The power of words!

Hello dear friends of @project.hope I hope you are feeling very well and that you had an excellent week!

Today I want to talk to you about a subject that has surely affected us all either positively or negatively. There is something that can make us create beautiful things and can give us that impulse to be successful people, but it can also destroy us or destroy someone else, and that something is WORDS!



Many times, not to say the majority, it is our own family that limits us and creates traumas, sometimes unconsciously and sometimes not, but the truth is that words are not blown away by the wind as the saying goes, but on the contrary, they remain engraved in our memory and can affect our growth and development.

We ourselves have certainly hurt someone in some conversation, perhaps without realizing it, we adopt certain patterns and act just like the people who raised us but it is not always in a positive way, so I think we should be more aware of the things we say or rather how we say them.

It is not the same to tell a child that he will never be able to achieve something, to tell him to keep trying, they are two very different sentences and they can mark anyone's life. The power of words in our minds is impressive, if we repeat something to ourselves very often be sure that it will be what you do or what you think of yourself for a long time, it is up to us to decide who we want to be and how far we want to go.



If we were all more assertive with the things we say to others, surely the world would be a different place, full of successful people with a desire to move forward, with goals and dreams to achieve.

Obviously not everything is bad, there are many families where people are educated and taught with the best attitude and the right words, I know that it should not be easy, sometimes a simple word can damage a person's day without us realizing it, as we know no one is perfect or always has the right word for every situation.

But we should ask ourselves if that which we transmit is what we would like to hear from others, communication is very important thanks to it we can make connection with other people, but we should be very tactful when making an opinion about another person, maybe we can be reflecting what we think about ourselves.



Now my question is, all that damage that we may have received in the past and that still affects us today can be healed by ourselves or do we need someone else not to help us overcome it? What do you think?

Thanks for reading me!!





I think if we pause and think or examine our words before saying it, we will definitely speak release words that will build people up


I greet every word has power, but more meaning, for it guides us, teaches us and shows us life, we must know the power of meaning


Nice post.

It is not the same to tell a child that he will never be able to achieve something, to tell him to keep trying, they are two very different sentences and they can mark anyone's life.

And, I think the word effect becomes stronger with children
We have to be more careful when talking with our kids. Any word from us may change their personalities. They trust us and we must not betray this trust

Now my question is, all that damage that we may have received in the past and that still affects us today can be healed by ourselves or do we need someone else not to help us overcome it? What do you think?

I think we have to accept the fact that not all people in this world are nice. There are some people who hurt you for no reason, and in this case we have to ignore the effect of their words as much as possible and move forward

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @franyeligonzalez


Good article, words have a vibration that attracts good or bad energies words can make children's lives easier or much worse that is the power of words.
