Let's get rid of our limiting beliefs!


Hello, dear friends, I hope you're feeling well, I'm here with another excellent topic for our personal growth.

Today I want to talk about a subject with which I feel a little identified, BELIEFS THAT LIMIT US.

I know that many of us have suffered some episode in our childhood that marked us in a certain way, an episode that prevented or blocked some aspect of our life. When we are small it is very easy for that kind of things to happen, at that age our personality is just forming for that reason are transcendental moments in our lives.




I remember that since I was a little girl, important people for me have always thought that I am not good at cooking for example, since it is certainly not something that I am passionate about, but neither is it an activity that I do not know how to do. I'm not a master chef but I'm not bad at it either. But I think it has always been a point where I rarely wanted to venture since it was always on my mind to be bad at cooking, I've realized that it's not like that.

I have certain skills that if I educated them much more, I know I could achieve great things in that area. But it's not my goal or my dream to do so, I just know that I'm capable of that and many other things.

When we are small it is very easy to deteriorate our confidence, imagine that the person that you love so much, that for you is the greatest thing, that for you is your hero comes and tells you something, obviously these are words that for you are going to be important and that will mark your life. I know that many times they are not words spoken with bad intention on the contrary, these people often believe that they do for our good and not to spend bad times in the future. But the truth is that it is quite the opposite. The best we can do is not judge them, they tried to do it the best way and the way they thought would help us.

It is very easy to dominate our minds and more so when we are so small, we tend to internalize words and actions very easily, that is when we start to create those LIMITING BELIEFS. But I think the important thing is to realize that something is wrong and that we have to work on it. Not to keep giving power to anyone to influence our decisions or our limits. Take control of our thoughts and what we want to achieve, our dreams are ours and no one should interfere with them, the limits are only set by us and as far as I know anyone can achieve anything if they set their mind to it.


No one can tell you that you can't, we are all born with multiple opportunities, certainly some are born with more facilities than others but in the end everyone can develop the skills they want. Are you afraid of public speaking? You can take multiple courses to improve that limitation, practice speaking alone or with small groups of people. As I said, we can always do it.

We must be aware of what our limiting beliefs are so that we can work on them and destroy them. Surrounding ourselves with people who believe in us and encourage us to keep growing is the ideal way to reinforce that confidence and security that we once lost.

Changes must go from the smallest to the largest.


It's not such an easy job, since there have been years of limits in our lives, but we must transform them into NON-LIMITING BELIEFS AND BELIEVE IN US!

We can't let the expectations of others destroy our confidence.

Thanks for reading me!!






As they say that everything is possible for those who believe, beliefs are the compass that will allow you to reach your desired destination.


This is such a powerful concept!! Thank you for posting and engaging in the discussion to start breaking down those things and thoughts which hold us back!!
