What can be our understanding to get us on the road to success?



When we start a project we may have the erroneous idea that we will obtain favorable results in a short time and without much sacrifice, when we really realize the reality that surrounds us we end up being disappointed and we leave everything abandoned.

I say that this context of ideas is wrong is because life does not really work that way, even if it were to happen then we should set off the alarms and deduce that something is not right, because what will really give us success in the future is a present full of obstacles.

When we are presented with obstacles it is because the environment is not calling us to show how good we are, it is a challenge that is made in life for us to understand that everything that is easy fades and is lost, that is to say, it does not have a sustainable character.

I make this reasoning because at the beginning when I started in the blockchain was not as easy as it may seem now, I can say that I even published a total of 60 posts in 2 months of which most of them were not valued, at that time I did not understand the reason why that happened to me, however today I understand that it is necessary to understand that everything is a process that needs to go through a series of steps to demonstrate loyalty and commitment.

Currently I try to teach that thought to the people I try to excite to join the blockchain, but I feel frustrated because I feel that I fail in the attempt, many think that it is only to arrive and publish any content and in a week become rich, I explain to them that this does not work that way, they should see it as a project in which you have to have patience and perseverance and demonstrate capabilities until you reach the point where the ecosystem believes in us and we begin to receive the correct valuation.

I just wanted to share this little reflection of a conversation I had with a good friend of the platform, and that surely when he reads this publication will realize that our conversation paid off to generate a post which I think should be of inspiration for new users who are starting in this type of ecosystem.



Hi Carlos, you are right, the conversation paid off, it is good to see it that way, that everything you do or comment can leave benefits products of a good reflection.


Hello my friend, well I was thinking many things once we finished the talk, and I thought it could be satisfactory to capture some ideas in a post of what we had previously discussed.

Greetings and thanks always for your positive comments.


Hello @carlos84, I think it is an experience that many of us have gone through, at first it is not easy, that happens in almost all things we undertake the results are seen over time and are valued even more for the effort and commitment that is put into them. It is what many say, what comes easy goes away. Greetings and thank you for sharing your reflection.


Excellent, I really like your comment because it is an excellent complement to my ideas expressed in this post, glad you do this kind of comments girl friend. Greetings


Hello @carlos84
An excellent reflection for new and not so new users, through it he calls attention to perseverance and perseverance, two fundamental keys to achieve what you want.
Best regards.


If we are perseverant it is because we never give up, and if we have to improve to achieve it over any adversity we do it, the important thing is to try a thousand times. Perseverance is important in a user because it develops a sense of loyalty and commitment, and that is very well seen and helps the platform a lot.

Greetings @janettyanez and thank you for your valuable comment


Hi dear @carlos84
I think that just like you, it also takes a while to feel valued by this platform, fortunately we both came to this beautiful community, I remember that starting is hard but I felt that desire to publish things, maybe some more interesting than others, but it's sad to see as people who have some talent they leave the platform because they do not receive support in some publications.


I am agree with you. It takes time to get attention from other But We should not stop. I think interacting with other is the great activity to get supports. Most of the new user cannot survive and left the platform because they not focus on engagement properly. Amazing post...


An important reflection friend @carlos84, really what comes easy comes easy goes, only what has cost us effort endures. It has also happened to me with family and friends to whom I have recommended the platform, they get discouraged as soon as they publish a couple of posts and do not receive support, I guess everyone must find their own motivation.
