Email marketing.

Email marketing is usually defined as the one that uses email to send the necessary messages to your customers or potential buyers, it usually requires a database, being a digital communication has all the features of this with its strengths and weaknesses. It focuses on sending messages with the purpose of adding new customers, optimize the existing relationship with current ones, generate loyalty as an important element in marketing, relate more directly with contacts, expand sales, build trust that should have a product or service. The advantages of this type of marketing are many and varied.


One of the first digital media to appear was the e-mail and continues to be relevant in today's communication, given its high accessibility, it reaches countless audiences, diverse audiences of all strata of the population continues to be a great resource as long as the message that is made is optimal, understandable, easy to understand for readers. Without using very technical or complicated words. The messages that are sent arrive directly to the mailbox of the recipients that you have selected, which allows you to be present in their daily activities.


Email marketing helps to achieve 3 main categories of objectives: Give visibility to your business. An appropriate image and proportional to the interests. And to sell products and services. These objectives mentioned deserve that the writer of the mails has clear everything related to the business you want to spread, its mission, business objectives, product quality, competitive advantages and the graphic image of the same so necessary to achieve the positioning as a brand, in a market every day in competition and where there are similar companies that also use email marketing as a tool for dissemination.


This has several benefits if used correctly, one is the profitability if you compare the cost of Email Marketing in relation to other communication channels, as would be the audiovisual: radio, television, SMS, among others, it is concluded that it is very profitable, the costs are much lower. In relation to the POP material where there are printing costs, stamps, stationery, email marketing wins again in profitability. Even with the new graphic design strategies amazing publications are achieved, ideal to be sent to customers by mail and succeed.


Compared to other advertising media, it is possible to personalize and optimally segment campaigns, including the possibility of disseminating them through social networks, thus perfecting the impact on followers. Thanks to Email Marketing, it is possible to reach the target audience in a fast, immediate and effective way, regardless of the place where we are or where the customer or consumer resides. This personal immediacy is an attribute of great value for this type of marketing, one of the attributes for which it is increasingly used by various companies around the world.


Greetings @ applause, Email Marketing, is a great advantage that we have today, as it provides us with an approach indistinctly from the distance with customers and potential customers, also has served as a great help to all organizations by the current problems of the pandemic, bringing with it for many an optimal level of sales for being, to handle current information, also provides a fast, secure service.
Very good publication. Thank you for sharing it.
