📷 Walk in the city garden


Have a nice day! Now I do not have to walk much, so sometimes I look at my photos and admire the nature of our region.

I remember the wonderful and snow-white Yucca from the Park. It reminds me of a giant Lily of the valley, isn't it beautiful?

Soon its buds will start to bloom, and I hope that this year we will still be able to make new photos.

Privet or Ligustrum also grows in the Park.

The people are also called "wolf berries." In natural conditions, some plant species can reach 5 meters in height.

Due to this rapid growth and bending branches, as well as the ability to form a crown, Privet often create beautiful shrubs of original forms such as bonsai.

In the fresh green grass, you can also find birds that in any weather freely walk along alleys and a fluffy grass carpet.

Once I was able to photograph a field of starlings.

He didn't want to be photographed.

The Park was quiet, everyone was at work during the day, and I walked among the flowers and fountains almost alone.

I wish all of us good health, so that this pandemic will end as soon as possible, and life will return to its normal course...

The main thing is to be patient and do not go outside, so as not to get infected.

Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes,
