Which Programming Language to Learn First?


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Nowadays many people want to be software engineers, some people want to be web developers, some people want to work in cyber security and some people want to work in robotics. But the first thing you need to learn to do this is programming language. However, the programming language for web development comes a little later. But our question is which language to start with? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

The answer to the question depends on you. If you want to go into cyber security, learn C ++ and Python well first. Then learn the related issues. If you want to be an Android app developer then learn Java or Catlin. If you want to become a software engineer, start with C. Then learn algorithms and data structures by learning a little C ++. If you want to work with robotics, start with Python and if you want, you can also start with Arduino. But Python is beginner friendly so it is better to start with Python. And then slowly start working with the circuit. Make some artificial intelligence only on the computer then apply it to the circuit.

So which language to start learning depends on your goals. So set your goals first and get a guideline from someone who is in that profession or level. He will not let you down in a way that will make it difficult for you. So set goals first. Which language to start with is the next thing.

Regards: @Shimu840
