Water dots on the outer wall of the glass of ice




Water dots on the outer wall of the glass of ice

Hello Lovely Steemian!
Sunny day we went to the restaurant and ordered meatballs. After ordering meatballs, my children ordered iced tea. I and my wife prefers lemon tea as a drink.
While waiting for our order to chat. not too long after our order arrived. Four portion meatballs and our drinks.
While enjoying the occasional meatball the children drink iced tea. Shortly before drinking my youngest child noticed the glass. he saw many drops of water outside the glass.
"Where is the water from outside the glass, Dad?" Asked the youngest. "Did the glass leak so it came out of the glass?" he continued
Looks like a simple question. But this question is a question that will make us think why it happened.
In fact, many adults have never even thought why when a glass is filled with ice, droplets of water will appear around the glass.


The appearance of water points on the outside of the glass is a common event. However, most people have the wrong conclusions. Most people will conclude that the water droplets come from water in the glass that seeps through the pores of the glass, when in fact it is not.
The kit can do the testing. If indeed the water droplets from water in the glass are the cause, then why if the water we put in the glass is hot water, water drops do not arise on the outer surface of the glass?

Alright, let's find out the cause.
The process that occurs above is one of the natural processes called condensation. Condensation is the process of changing the form of a substance from gas to liquid. Exothermic reaction occurs in condensation because it is a process of changing substances that release heat / heat.
The process of condensation or condensation is when water vapor in the air passes through the surface which is cooler than the dew point of water vapor, then this water vapor will condense into water or dew points. Dew is formed when the air near the ground surface gets cold near the point where the air can no longer hold all the moisture. The excess moisture then turns to dew on objects near the ground.

In the case of the iced tea glass above, the air around the glass contains water vapor. When the glass is filled with ice, it gets cold. The air around the glass contains water vapor. The air that comes in contact with this cold glass will drop in temperature. Water vapor in the air also cools. If the temperature is cool enough, this moisture will condense to form drops of water on the outside of the glass.

We can prove that the water points are not from inside the glass. How to prove it by paying attention to the color of the ice tea in the glass and the water points outside the glass.
The points of water that appear will remain clear, not colored like ice tea. This is different from the color of water in brown . This shows that the water points did not come from the glass.
Thus explaining the emergence of water points on the vast wall of glass that contains ice.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.
