[ESP/ENG] Due to a serious mistake, I lost my Hive account. 😓




Hola hola amigos de Hive, mi nombre es Mayberlys Guatarasma tengo 25 años de edad, soy de Venezuela graduada en Contaduria Publica en la Universidad de Oriente del Estado Monagas, felizmente casada y con una beba hermosa de casi 3 meses de nacida.


La verdad, ya contaba con una cuenta en esta increíble plataforma, pero me vi en la obligación de crear otro perfil y decidí hacer mi primer post en esta oportunidad, contando lo que me pasó. Primero, para que no piensen que están usurpando mi identidad o cree otra cuenta por gusto y segundo, para que no les pase lo mismo. 😓😭

Mi antiguo usuario era @mayberlysg por si gustan pasar por allá leyendo mi introduccion a éste ecosistema y así conocen un poco mas de mi y se enteran de cómo fué que supe de Hive (por si no van hasta alla, fué gracias a mi hermana @mayllerlys), tenía una sección la cual identifiqué como "Los postres de Beba" (con la cual continuaré desde acá) donde compartí varias recetas deliciosas. En mi última publicación conté la historia de cómo me enteré de mi embarazo minutos antes de una operación y quedé con el compromiso de compartir los acontecimientos del nacimiento de mi bebé el cuál fué bastante complicado.


Apenas tenía un poco más de un mes en Hive, y gracias a Dios me iba muy bien, pero, cometí un grave error. 😟 Como todos saben, al crear una cuenta en Hive se crean con ella unas llaves privadas, las cuales tienen distintos usos, cabe destacar que en ésto, como en todo en mi vida, mi hermana me ayudó mucho. Mi registro lo realicé por 3Speak y solicité mis llaves por medio de ellos, recibí el correo y todo perfecto, sin embargo, éste tan preciado tesoro (el email con mis llaves) me llegó a la carpeta llamada "SPAM" y yo realmente no le di importancia, solo me limité a tomar la Posting Key y lo demás lo deje en el correo, yo, ingenuamente pensé que como estaba en el correo no le pasaría nada, de hecho no las envié a ningun otro lado, ni las copié ni absolutamente nada.



Pues el día de ayer, resulta que le dije a mi hermana para retirar lo que con mucho esfuerzo había logrado (super emocionada), ella me ayudó en esto también y me dice "bueno busca la Active Key para poder hacer la transferencia" y yo "ah bueno esta en el correo dejame buscarlo", para mi desagradable sorpresa no conseguí el email. Pensando que había colocado otro correo electrónico busque tambien en otro del cual dispongo y nada, ella me pregunta si yo no saque eso de allí o lo copie en algún sitio y le dije que no, que estaba en el correo y que me imagine estaba bien resguardado, y le comento después de un rato "Es que eso estaba aqui en Spam" ella me ve con cara de que me iba a matar y después de casi un insulto me dice "esos correos se eliminan Beba" yo quedé como el emoji de payaso 🤡 y bueno ella comenzó a buscar por todos lados a ver si podíamos lograr ver o recuperar las claves pero necesitaba tener la llave maestra para poder revelar las demas, intentamos también recuperar el email y todo absolutamente TODO fué imposible de lograr.



Mi hermana se puso en contacto con @laloretoyya quien muy amablemente la atendió y le dio varias opciones, entre ellas hablar con @eddiespino a ver si se podia conseguir alguna solución, él nos intentó ayudar tambien, lo cual le agradezco mucho, a ambos, pero una vez más todo nos llevaba a que debía tener la llave maestra la cual obviamente tampoco resguardé y en conclusión, perdí lamentablemente mi cuenta por error mio.

Por eso ahora estoy desde acá, y aqui seguiré como ya venía en mi cuenta anterior, y les aseguro que aprendí la lección ya guardé mis nuevas llaves en un sitio seguro.
Espero que compartir mi experiencia sirva de ayuda a alguno para que no les ocurra lo mismo. Y aprovecho para agradecer a la comunidad @foodiesbeehive y a @motherhood por el apoyo brindado wn mi cuenta anterior.

Inicio de cero con un aprendizaje asi que gracias por leerme y bienvenido a mi blog. 🤗


Hello hello friends of Hive, my name is Mayberlys Guatarasma I am 25 years old, I am from Venezuela graduated in Public Accounting at the University of Oriente del Estado Monagas, happily married and with a beautiful baby girl of almost 3 months old.


The truth is that I already had an account on this incredible platform, but I was forced to create another profile and I decided to make my first post this time, telling what happened to me. First, so they don't think they are usurping my identity or create another account for fun and second, so the same thing doesn't happen to them. 😓😭

My old user was @mayberlysg if you like to go over there and read my introduction to this ecosystem so you know a little more about me and find out how I learned about Hive (in case you don't go there, it was thanks to my sister @mayllerlys), I had a section which I identified as "Beba's desserts" (which I will continue with from here) where I shared several delicious recipes. In my last post I told the story of how I found out about my pregnancy minutes before an operation and I was committed to share the events of the birth of my baby which was quite complicated.


I was just a little over a month into Hive, and thank God I was doing great, but, I made a big mistake. As you all know, when you create an account in Hive you create private keys with it, which have different uses, it is worth mentioning that in this, as in everything in my life, my sister helped me a lot. My registration was done by 3Speak and I requested my keys through them, I received the mail and everything was perfect, however, this so precious treasure (the email with my keys) I got to the folder called "SPAM" and I really did not give it importance, I just took the Posting Key and left the rest in the mail, I naively thought that as it was in the mail nothing would happen, in fact I did not send them anywhere else, nor copied them or absolutely nothing.



Well yesterday, it turns out that I told my sister to withdraw what with much effort I had achieved (super excited), she helped me in this also and tells me "well look for the Active Key to make the transfer" and I "ah well this in the mail let me look for it", to my unpleasant surprise I did not get the email. Thinking that I had placed another email, I also looked for it in another one that I have and nothing, she asked me if I didn't get it from there or copy it somewhere and I told her no, that it was in the email and that I imagine it was well protected, and after a while I told her "That was here in Spam" she looked at me with a face like she was going to kill me and after almost an insult she told me "those emails are deleted Beba" I was like the clown emoji 🤡 and well she started to search everywhere to see if we could see or recover the passwords but she needed to have the master key to reveal the others, we also tried to recover the email and everything absolutely EVERYTHING was impossible to achieve.



My sister contacted @laloretoyya who very kindly attended her and gave her several options, including talking to @eddieespino to see if we could get some solution, he tried to help us too, which I thank him very much, both of us, but once again everything led us to that I should have the master key which obviously I also did not safeguard and in conclusion, I unfortunately lost my account by my mistake.

So now I am here, and here I will continue as I did with my previous account, and I assure you that I have learned my lesson and I have already saved my new keys in a safe place.
I hope that sharing my experience will help someone so that the same thing doesn't happen to them. And I take this opportunity to thank the @foodiesbeehive community and @motherhood for their support on my previous account.

Starting from scratch with a learning so thank you for reading me and welcome to my blog. 🤗

La imagen personalizada fue editada y diseñada por mi en Canva.
Las imágenes que no me pertenecen tienen señalada su fuente.
La captura de pantalla fue tomada desde mi teléfono.
La traduccion es de DeepL.com

The custom image was edited and designed by me in Canva.
Images that do not belong to me have their source marked.
The screenshot was taken from my phone.
The translation is from DeepL.com.



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Hello, @mayberlys

I am sorry to hear about you having lost your keys and having to start from scratch! Lesson learned, though, hey? The hard way. This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed your new account and that you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome!

Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

Also, as this the hive can be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful – easy to understand – posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!


This time, make sure you back up your keys. Keep a paper version safely locked away too. :)
