The First Step into a New Journey



So For A While I been looking for a Creative outlet to develop and sink some of my free time and stress into, other than writing here that also works quite nicely. I've been expending a lot of time working and not doing other stuff that I also love to do, like posting on hive but that's changing now.

Other than returning to hive to write more frequently again, I have also decided to pick up drawing as a means of expression and outlet for creativity.

What you see up top is indeed my first work, I sort of decided to go for the antispirals from Gurren Lagann because I felt that their shapes and history really resonated with my current state of mind.

For reference, here is how they actually should look.


As you can see mine is but a sad parody of the real thing, it's basically my first work and I'm not pretending to be a master artist here but I do hope to eventually be able to create art that I'm proud of and I will for sure be returning to the anti spirals again in the future to benchmark my progress but I won't lie, I spent more time than I would like to admit making that thrash and I loved every second of it.

For now, I guess I'll just be back at YouTube watching some tutorials on the basic techniques.

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The eyes of your drawing hypnotize more than the original!


@lunaticpandora, This is your first step but this is very impactful step for sure.

In my opinion this Art is conveying something and that is, Higher Realm Beings or Ancestral Beings are feeling sad for Human Beings.

No matter we are expert or not sometimes we create some gems which hides deeper meaning.

Good wishes from my side towards your Art Journey.

Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed.
