BLUEBERRIES! - August Trip - Pt 7 - [Prizes to be won inside!]


a 24 foot long, 6 foot wide Big-Boy Canoe. AKA Our ride.

The fishing spot. Finally. Some 200 photographs and about a 45 minute boat ride later we arrive at the tip of a fjord where the "fishing" part of our fishing trip starts. Well, For my wife and her friend Jeena, it begins. I spent the better part of the time taking more and more photographs, knowing it will be a LONG time before we ever end up back in a place like this! I need a boat! I got the licence [and laughed thinking a Sask boy would never need the ocean parts of the course] and I want a boat so bad now!










@arcticgypsy caught her first fish of the year on this trip. A 2-3 pound Arctic Char. The fish she was most hoping to catch while up here! Booyah! (I was unsuccessful this trip, but I had a camera in my hand more than a rod) Jeena also caught a larger 6-7 pound char. But sadly, that was all the fish we caught. There was a net set up across the fjord from us and the owner of that net came up, he caught a total of 43 and there was many happy whoops and hollers as well as jokes and taunts thrown across the water at either party. 😂

Something that I took note of on the trip was how the fish was dealt with. The adults threw it on the shore and told the 4-5 year old girls to make sure it doesn't get away and to bash its head in. Which they did happily. It was amusing to see the difference in culture. They were not squirmy about dealing with the fish at all. They knew what it meant. It wasn't just a jack or walleye that dad catches for fun. It was supper for them. And they like char!

bash bash bash


One of the other little girls on the trip was absolutely obsessed with BLUEBERRIES! 🤣 There is a species of berry that is VERY similar to a traditional blueberry but grows VERY close to the ground (what doesn't up here) and it has a slightly different flavour with skin less.... harsh... for lack of a better word... As soon as we would slow down the boat she would ask "Blueberries?" to which someone would tell her in Inuktitut when and where we will get the blueberries. Oh god, was she happy when we finally got to the spot with BLUEBERRIES!


There was also these small button looking mushrooms. I should do some more research on Mushrooms in Nunavut and write something up for the Fungi Lovers Community.

And I also came across another one of these two-foot-fuck-all shrubs. The woodiest thing I've seen in over a year now. (Not counting a stack of Pallets by the Northen Store. 😅)


Thanks for taking this trip with us. I still have a few more parts to go. Lots of Lichen in our future.

Blueberry huntress on the left in pink, lagging behind the other two.


To help promote @lensy and the NFT Photography site I will be giving away 2 photographs to REAL people who leave comments below this post. I will try to exclude the bots, which should be fairly easy as they stand out like a sore thumb that's been whacked with a hammer all day. The photographs are not necessarily from this blog and will be given out randomly.

All you need to do to be eligible to receive the NFT's as Prizes is leave a comment. Let's #ENGAGE each other. Tell me what you like about the photo or what you think of NFT Photographs. Personally, I think they will be EXTREMELY versatile in the months and years to come. No crediting artists, no slogging through stock photo sites. Just buy the product you want to use with crypto and use it any way you want.


Find my artwork for sale exclusively on
Find my photographs of Nunavut scenery and Wildlife on
Follow me on twitter here: Hive Related Account / Photography and Art Account
I am also on Instagram: But only Photography and Art
More art on DeviantArt at: Ice-O-Lated
Hive Divider provided by @thepeakstudio



Manually curated by ackhoo from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


Good photo


Congrats! You win one of the NFT's from this contest! I made sure to check your profile so you didn't get a duplicate :D
