


I forget the smell of the oil when I come into contact with the seeds of the plague, I want to scream when I see how the feelings go away without being able to do anything or know the reason. Could I do something about it? I don't think I can beat oblivion or the confusion of being right, I don't think I can beat someone who doesn't have a body and reality always changes bodies so that I can grab it and have it at my mercy.

I get confused when I see the smiles, I cannot know their intentions and not knowing kills me, it kills me as much as curiosity does but not as much as the absence of reality. I miss her so much, I miss her so much that I could eat a bear, regardless of the smell, roast tastes better.

The accounts do not give, they are wrong, the accounts say that I lack empathy and that I have plenty of cruelty, but I do not understand how that can be possible if I seek love. Is that why I do not succeed? The business will be ruined if I continue like this, I must get the key to open the safe that keeps the heart of the imaginary, I need it to imagine being nice.

I do not want, I do not want to, I must not stop drinking, I do not like to see things stable, I do not like to see people smile, I prefer to stay here saying realities that people confuse with nonsense, I want to continue confused.

I do an exercise every so often where someone gives me a word and from there I create a story or whatever comes out, in this case, the word was Confusion. I hope you liked today's post, if you have any advice to improve my way of narrating you can leave it in the comments, we will read later my dear readers.





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