Prophecies, Predictions and Phonies: What exactly did Nostradamus see about the future?


Growing up in a time when physical books and hardbacks were a thing was quite interesting and exhilarating.
You read a book and soon see yourself reliving the pictures in your mind and drawing out the characters as you go.
You question everything you have read and try to make sense of the ones that seem too good to be true.
It was in those years I first heard and read about a man who was known to have predicted the future from over 200 years ago.
There was also a popular documentary on the NTA network then titled, "The man who saw tomorrow" and guess what, it was about this man.


About who he allegedly was.

He was a very popular name back then and more so, his name always popped us when certain events he was said to have predicted came to pass.
So, who the heck was he?
Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 1 or 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events.
You can read more about this individual here so I don't waste precious space rewriting what has already been written.

The story is that, he was a seer, a prophet of some kind who was a physician, author, translator, astrological consultant and mostly known for his ability to prophesy and treat plague. The irony of the last word, "treat plague" is that, he did die of the plague.

Was his alleged predictions right?thirdeye2886688__480.webp

Certain world events have been known to have been predicted by this man and they were kind of on point.

What events?

  • The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.- True event that occurred and decimated the lives of millions.

  • The September 11 2001 twin tower attack.- Now called 911, is an incident that the world will never forget.

  • Hitler's reign of terror.- We all have read, watched movies and heard about this man's reign of terror.

  • Death of Henry ll in 1555.- This one was portrayed in a TV drama series, Reign.

  • The JFK assassination.- This one happened and till date, no one can say for sure who really did it.
    Lee Oswald maintained his innocence till he died.

  • The French revolution.- A well known story that was made into dozens of movies to better tell an entertaining story.
    There are so much more and you can see them at did it happen?

These events have been credited to him predicting them hundreds of years before its time and they are done after these sad events occur.
His usually wrote these "prophecies" in poem forms called quatrain and not expressly written for the purposes of seriousness.

A mix of mystery will help the story right?witchshouse1635770__480.webp

The world loves mystery and I am wondering if these events are being spurned to make it look like prophecies work.

Was Nostradamus clairvoyant?
Was he truly able to predict the future?

New one? epidemic4952933__480.jpg

Like I mentioned earlier and as we know, "the world loves mystery."
The below image appeared soon after the unstoppable spread of Covid-19 and it begs for answer to the question, was this truly written by Nostradamus?

Is Nostradamus a figment of someone's imagination or he once truly lived?

Is this a massive plot by some,(maybe the Deep State, lol) to make us believe the world has always been messed up?

Is Covid-19 a scheme to decrease the world population and pronounce a new world order with new players? Hitler tried.

Who really runs the world???

Make the world a better place for someone today!

All images from Pixabay except Nostradamus.
