Need Help..!!


Searching Wonderfully

The plainness of the reflections reflects everything that happens in our inner world, and one of the things that usually happens is the noise. We talk a lot inside ourselves, sometimes we even shout at ourselves. It is a very persistent habit.


One reason we keep babbling is that we have forgotten the value and well-being of mental silence. Another is that we have become so used to the noise that we do not realize that the mind could be in another way, it is like not hearing the submersion of the refrigerator until it is disconnected and we realize the silence. We talk about noise pollution in cities and the effects of noise as a stress factor at work, but we don't notice that the noisiest place in the world is often the inside of our heads. In addition to the thunder that rumbles in our minds, there is also the lighting. One idea, then another, and then another can appear in our minds like fireworks or flashes, dazzling and confusing us. Sometimes we don't even think about the ideas, we just feel a mental effervescence.

When we are so accustomed to these mental electrical storms that we are not even aware of them, how can we know when communications are disrupted on the plain of reflection? or how can we know that everything has become so cloudy that we cannot see, if we are accustomed to blindness? There are several symptoms that denote that our mental wires are crossed, the real difficulty lies in remembering to notice them.

When we are so accustomed to these mental electrical storms that we are not even aware of them, how can we know when communications are disrupted on the plain of reflection? or how can we know that everything has become so cloudy that we cannot see, if we are accustomed to blindness? There are several symptoms that denote that our mental wires are crossed, the real difficulty lies in remembering to notice them.

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The mind gets stuck in the routine, going through the same stretch again and again.
We have very good ideas, but we can't remember what of.
We are sure we know what we are doing and the others are wrong.
Our thoughts are fixed on endless answers, going around endlessly.
We work on many projects simultaneously ineffectively.
We spend more time thinking about the future or the past instead of living in the present.
We do not take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
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We generalize too much: Politicians are. Older people are. Orientals are. Generalizations of this nature are logically invalid, but we make them to avoid having to observe and try to understand the real world.

We spend so much time wrapped up in fantasies that we hardly do anything in the real world.

When we get lost in the lush forests of confusion and the thunder rumbles in the sky, sometimes we wish someone would come and rescue us. On the plain of reflections, only we can rescue ourselves. When we begin to do meditation exercises, one of the things that usually calls our attention is how difficult it is to avoid thinking about other things. There are several ways to silence mental chatter, even if only temporarily. One of the simplest is to hold your breath.


When we get lost in the lush forests of confusion and the thunder rumbles in the sky, sometimes we wish someone would come and rescue us. On the plain of reflections, only we can rescue ourselves. When we begin to do meditation exercises, one of the things that usually calls our attention is how difficult it is to avoid thinking about other things. There are several ways to silence mental chatter, even if only temporarily. One of the simplest is to hold your breath.

Take a deep breath and hold it for a few moments. Notice how easy it is to keep your mind still at the same time. Soon you start gossiping again, but at first there is an evident silence. When we pay attention to something else, especially if it is something physical, like the breath, the mind tends to become quiet.

Eventually, the resistance disappears and we find ourselves in a state of absolute serenity, a kind of joyful balance while remaining serene.

On many occasions, mental confusion is resolved with objective help. Sometimes it is enough to talk about the subject that concerns us for the solution to become evident. If we are very confused or the situation is very complex, we need the help of a professional to solve it. Financial advisors, lawyers, psychologists, and other specialists are experts who can help us. The more difficult the problem is to solve, the more we need good help.

Now that we have considered the various aspects of being mentally and physically centered, it is time to take action.

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A lot of Hugs..!!



You have reminded me of an old conversation about the search for inner silence to achieve a balance that can be an inner peace, as part of spiritual growth within an Eastern Philosophical stance.


Meditation is an essential exercise for everyday life, since living in the city demands it. If I did not live in the same city I would do it because I enjoyed the benefits that you inform us with your beautiful publication. We need to focus more, reflect and meditate, as this will help us create better content and be more authentic.


Hi @edgarare1

A person's mind is very complex, it is difficult to achieve that ZEN state
that inner silence you mention after so much internal noise. It is difficult to achieve that silence due to our complexity, however, I know that it can be done, but in order to achieve it, other external factors that achieve a balance between internal noise and silence are necessary.

