Strongly considering switching over and using a different account name, dadapizza is kinda silly


I am not saying I hate the name, but it is kind of random. the dada part was an inside joke and I am a dad, and I like pizza LOL. When I first signed up for Hive I didn't know anything about crypto or even internet blogging for that matter.

I don't wanna be taken seriously, but I don't always wanna seem like a total joke either. I mean it just feels dumb at times.

I will start gradually using @adhammer in the near future. I don't wanna do it all in a day, it just seems to stressful to do that let alone all the password crap I'll have to maneuver.

But yeah, I figured I would throw that out there if there is a soul that cares.

When I wanna comment on a serious blog, I don't wanna just be roasted off the bat, you know? I know a lot of people have multiple accounts, maybe I'll try and use both. I don't know.

I don't even know how I'm gonna deal with the communities I own. Ugh, perhaps that will simply encourage me to keep both accounts. Maybe I can change the admin to adhammer, we'll see.

I cringe at my own user sometimes, I don't know.

But yeah, keep an eye out for my new account eventually.
