Dragon Skin and dimensional instability


This is enough dragon skin to make a nice cuirass. It is pretty rare to salvage an undamaged piece of dragon hide this large, typically the death explosion doesn't leave a lot behind except ash (and of course the bone shrapnel, don't forget about the bone shrapnel). This is a section from the back of the neck. This is actually the second time I have been lucky enough to recover a large piece of dragon skin - the Goddess smiles on me!


I ran into this bad boy on a family excursion down the Well of Tentacles. Luckily @yeti-the-dog alerted us to its presence and the Things hung back with @dillemma whilst I engaged in mano a dragón combat.

The Well of Tentacles is nice this time of year! We had a great excursion, dragon not withstanding.

I also recovered two intact tail spikes, which I offered up to the dark ones whose names have been forgotten. It was a slight detour on our way back to the dimensional gate, but a trip to the altar always serves to put things in perspective.
The Alter of the Nameless Ones.

On the way back through the dimensional portal we took a wrong vibration and turned into gaseous form for a while until we worked our way through a twisting wormhole back into our original bodies.



According to the Bible, Is it sin against God if a law enforcer is forced to take someone's life in the line of duty?

(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

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