Hernan Melville, the story behind Moby Dick the White Whale 🐳


Many times the circumstances of life guide us along uncertain paths and awaken feelings that we did not know we could experience.

Behind a book or a work there are hidden facts that we did not know, this is the case, of one of the masters of the contemporary novel, most read and reproduced in the world; as is Moby Dick, written by an American writer named Hernan Melville; with few literary successes and an eventful, unfortunate life, and after his father's death, he enlists as a cabin boy on a ship and embarks as a sailor on a whaler for four years in the South Seas.

This journey or personal journey leads him to feel inspired by his experiences and ends up embodied in his masterpiece, where he depicts Metaphors of the world and his human nature, the incessant search for a whole that he could never find and the coexistence of good and bad in man, reflected in the plot of the novel by Captain Ahab's obsession with killing Moby Dick, the white whale.

To conclude, I want to refer to the literary contribution of Hernan Melville that despite
Having a career as a writer of few successes left us a jewel of contemporary literature, which has been read by all and will be so by our generations.
