A look at the world after quarantine


When I photographed this lemur, I did not know that, over time, this look, these eyes, will become, for me and for my family, relevant.

It’s ridiculous, but it’s really so.

A few days ago, quarantine conditions were relaxed, and it was allowed to take walks in the parks.

Yesterday, in the afternoon, we, the whole family, decided to take a walk.

We did not know that, after several months of imprisonment in an apartment, it would be accompanied by difficulties.

The eyes of the lemur are arranged in such a way that, they do not like sunlight, they see well at night and do not like sunlight.

Yesterday, we experienced what the lemur feels in high light.


To the masks that were dressed on our faces, it was necessary to add sunglasses. Our eyes are weaned from bright light.

The setting sun was very bright.


But, the fragrance of blooming lilacs acted soothingly.


Gradually, a photo hunter woke up in me and I arranged a hunt for bees that flew over a flowering mountain ash.


Around, life was in full swing and we began to enjoy the colors of our city.


During the quarantine, we missed a lot, now, we need to catch up.


Not only did our eyes feel discomfort, our legs quickly got tired and we felt tangled up in a web.


It is believed that the aroma of Christmas tree cones can cheer up a little, lol, we experienced this.


Young cones are beautiful and fragrant. Next year, I want to try to make jam from such cones. It has many vitamins, essential oils and amino acids.


An hour later, our walk, we began to feel like this tree, lol. The muscles of my legs and back ached, I wanted to find a bench and sit.


Spring didn’t come to everyone, it’s sad, even some trees couldn’t survive the snowless winter.


But, for a short walk time, we were able to get a lot of impressions.

Look at the petal of this iris, how beautiful it is!


After a few moments, we were attacked by hordes of hungry enemies. The quarantine very angered the mosquitoes, who were hungry for a long time and, from the bushes, whole swarms of these vampires rose and attacked us.

We decided to return home and take a break from this vacation, lol.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera
I edited a photo in the program PhotoDirector, which I also installed on my smartphone.

Author @barski

For my publications, I do not use stock photographs, it is fundamentally important for me to use photographs that I have made with my own hands for publication and I can name them - authorial work.

You can go to our blog on the Beehive platform by clicking on the bee.



wonderful...we are the problem...🙄
