Thoughts That Only Emerge In The Rain


When it's raining it's the time to go back to memories, it's the time to put aside all the doubts we have about the future. I have not much to do, I'm sitting at my room, I could hear the voice and feel it's beauty.


The rain started in the evening when I was at my friend's place, we were sitting in sit out of his house and looking outside. We all three were there, the friends from college. Now it's only the three, there were about six people in the gang. Everybody had their own things to go behind.

When we were sitting there in the rain the only thing we had to talk about was the past. It started from the first day we met, we all were last-minute comers to the college, it was our last option. I still think about that day, I had no plan to choose that college, it was the decision taken in the last minute and here I am.

The rain has this soothing feel to easily make us think about the past, each small moments. I still remember arguing with them. At first, I thought both of them were freaks. Eventually, I changed and became a freak like them. Looking back at the change was good.

Friend's mother brought some coffee, the smell shared emotion with the rain. Both were some way connected. I not all cared about the future if everything's gonna end at that moment I was happy.

When I speak, I usually wanted to get at some point where the whole meaning of what I was saying is. But then I talked with them without a specific point, it was like jumping from one to other. No restrictions to what was inside me, just trying to say things the same as in my head.

Then for a moment, a thought came to my mind "How much of us will be left for the next rain?"
Everybody left along the path, I had a feeling that we all three were always gonna be there, but it was the same I thought when we were four. Maybe I'm gonna be the one leaving next time. The pressure for finding a job had already been started at home.

One day there will not be us, all separated in very different paths. At some part, we have to leave everything eventually. In the end, we are all alone. But worrying about that's just foolishness. It's better to enjoy each of these moments and welcome whatever comes in the end. There even we could say that we were happy when we were together.

The rain was there for too long when there was a little bit decrease in the intensity of it, I came home to my friend's bike. Now coming back to my room and trying to write, this evening also became a memory but the rain is still there.

Still raining...


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