Learn Power Of Art ! Art Makes You Stronger Than Yesterday


Societies that accept art and artists as pioneers will always win.


What comes to mind when you think of art?

Is it music? Picture ? the movie? Theater, ballet, dance, poetry? Yes, they are all branches of art. Because we call this feeling that creates beauty, admiration and excitement as the power of art. We call the architect of these feelings an artist.

Is the artist a well-known, respected, popular personality? Or is it the person who enjoys the work, music or painting he produces?

Am I writing my articles and thoughts so that everyone can like it? Or is it my need to design, produce, dance, sing, dance?

You can reach more of your audience by using art or visual arts.

To me, every word, music and behavior you express your thoughts is a work of art. Because one of the things that makes a work of art art is that it is unique and unique. Therefore, explore the depths of your own soul, whichever branch of art makes you happy. There is peace and there is happiness. It is much better to do something than to do nothing. Take more time for yourself and realize your own talents. Don't say I don't have talent. There is a saying that I love very much. Practice Makes Perfect.

Art is how we enjoy life. It can be the source of our happiness, as well as the most important driving force that amazes us and makes us think from different angles.

I wouldn't dare to teach anyone a history lesson here in this beautiful Khiva community. But as we all know, art is a very powerful stream of ideas that ends an era. I'm talking about the Renaissance Period. What will make a person happy more than a treasure full of money and gold may be a painting he made with his own hand, or perhaps a music composed by humming.

If you pay attention in societies where art is prioritized, respect for human beings, respect for democracy and respect for human rights are important. If you ask what kind of a relationship there is between the value given to people and art, the answer is quite simple! Art is for people.

The artist reinterprets nature, events and experiences!

You don't have to look for a message in every work that the artist produces. The artist interprets and evaluates the world from his own eyes, from his own thoughts and feelings. While doing this, it can show the existing as if it doesn't exist or show something that doesn't exist.

He may exaggerate a situation or event, or he may explain it by underestimating. While doing this, the artist often wants to give a message to his readers and viewers. In order to convey an emotion or thought to us, it must be able to attract our attention.

A sculptor can show the woman naked to emphasize the value that should be given to the woman. Draws attention)

Maybe it can be perceived as a simple sentence that I explained above. But each artist tries to convey his ideas and feelings to his audience in a different style and approach.
You can download my PowerPoint Templates with animation 😊 I hope u will like my workshits. See You Again until for next my post..
Images :https://pixabay.com/


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