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My name is EZEOKE PRAISEGOD, I'm a fine artist Popularly known as PRAISEGOD ARTS and this is my first post on the hive-blockchain.

Hello Praisegod, welcome to Hive. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here, and we will too because of the amazing things I have figured you will be bringing to the table

However, creating Art has always been my dream and also becoming one of the greatest Artist too.

I am 100% sure that this goal can be achieved, all you need is to be consistent in all your artwork, and soon you will reach the top

This shows that the must always be an Improvement in every day to day sketches or painting you produce. In every new sketches I made, l discovered new techniques and also new approaches to make my works more vivid and perfect.

Now that is an amazing way to learn, and it might shock you that this is not applicable to artist alone, but to everyone out there with a passion for any field of work.

Art as new birth. whenever I produce a new Art piece I feel fulfilled, like I just gave birth to something new and also feel relieved and relax. When ones feelings is being express be it anything, the must always be a relief.

Now I understand why everyone is usually happy for the birth of a child. It is always due to the feeling of fulfillment. So you say, this happens in art too? Well, it's amazing how the almighty created life's actions and events to relate with one another.

However, my inspiration to create could come from anywhere be it my environment, things I see, even from people's feelings and reactions ,and mostly on contemporary happenings in the society.

Wow. Now, I am going to say, maybe you will be the Leonardo da Vinci of our time because he derived his inspiration from the environment, and nature as you do.

I can't wait to explore the art world with you. Welcome once again, sweetie
