RE: What Time Should You Post?


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I actually looked into this back when I had a blog on Blogger. It really depends on who you're trying to reach, and for most, that means America.

The general consensus is that since over half of America lives in just 9 States, the best time to post is 11am eastern time (3 pm UTC)

I blogged about the best time to post a few years ago and included a map showing the nine most populous States.

In 2017 I was in Germany (which is 6 hours ahead of NY time), so I would try to upload at 5pm local German time.

That way, I hit Germany-UK getting off from work, 11am in New York and the 8am crowd getting ready for work in California.

Something odd though. I began testing late-night posts. I found a little spike at 11:15pm and for some strange reason, more Whale activity between midnight and 3am, odd right?

I can see India and Asia overnight, followed by Brazil coming online in the morning.

So, no matter which time you post, someone will be awake to see it, just depends who you want to reach...


This is what I’m talking about right here. I’m going to do a deep dive on that post you linked. Sounds like you have figured some things out.
Although it does seem there still is no perfect time.

I have noticed whale activity at the most odd of times. Doesn’t seem to be something that is consistent either. Each day is different. So I just trust that my content will be viewed by who is supposed to see it.

Now if only I had an app that would send me a notification whenever large stake holders were actively curating. I guess that was kind of possible with Steemify. That was not brought over to Hive though.


You're going through the same thing I did in 2010. I had plenty of time to research and found that the answers were all over the place.

After checking the recommendations of many, many sites and distilling everything down, the thoughts were:

  • You wanna hit America
  • Cali 40 million people, Texas 30 million. Majority packed east of the Mississippi in 7 States, so eastern time zone.
  • Most tech sites were beginning to publish between 6-9am, average being 7-8am to hit those in the east getting ready for work.
  • 8am eastern, is 5am Cali, too early for them.
  • Post at 9am ET and you hit Cali just waking up, Texas is having breakfast.
  • That leaves anywhere between a 9am-noon (east coast) posting time to hit all 3 regions, with 11am being the average.
  • Women make the purchasing decisions in most households in the US, so keep that in mind.
  • Ever wonder why smart YouTubers caption their videos? Employees like to sneak views on the job with the sound off so they don't get caught.

I even looked into which days to post, same thing, answers all over the place. Tuesday, better than Monday as workers catching up on weekend work. Thursday's, good day to post movie reviews, as that's when decisions are made about what to watch for the weekend. See how deep down the rabbithole you can go?

Taking all of that (and much more) in, I wanted to find out when most people were on the Blockchain. Steemit couldn't tell me, but I still think it's US, then Europe you want to keep in mind first. As for the midnight-3am Whale activity, I can only presume that's when early curating was going on.

Test what works for you.


Wow! You have a plethora of information at hand. I think it would make sense for me to start posting around 10am-noon eastern time. That’s what it’s looking like my new slot is going to be. Of course I may still post during other times if I post more than once a day. It happens often. However my goal is to have my minimum of one daily post be early in the day (for me) rather than late in the evening.

I’ll see if I notice much of a difference after a week or so.
