An introduction into mason bees video


I put together a presentation that talks about what I have observed about these solitary bees over the last few years. I read it page by page and talk about the history of the bees I raise, the differences between honey bees and mason bees, food sources, benefits, predators, homes and good locations to set them up. I try to include as much information as possible to get people started with these bees and to understand what to expect.

This video I made is about thirty minutes, pictures are shown of bees I have taken. Along with the types of homes I have built over the years for them. I discuss the pros and cons of each home and what I learned along the way about them. We talk about the gnat sized wasps that try to invade the homes, along with what pollen mites are.

Roles of the male and female bees are discussed and how their life cycles are different. And how the size of the nesting cavities determines the sex of the future bee offspring.

Comparing the solitary bees to honey bees brings up the most of the differences between the species. And how they got to Georgia from a thirty plus year journey from Maryland to just showing up in my state in the last ten years.

The stages of the mason bee are brought up as well, starting off from a cocoon to where they emerge, mate and the female sources pollen and mud. Laying the larva in the cavity and then it growing and finally metamorphosis from pupa to adult. In a similar way that a butterfly goes from a caterpillar to a butterfly. The mason bee larva spins a cocoon and emerges as an adult bee next spring.

Please leave a comment if you have any feedback about this presentation. This is my first one for bees and hope to make more about certain details of raising them. I uploaded the Libreoffice presentation to LBRY for anyone to use.

Link below to download the presentation:

LBRY Video Link


