Authored by @Ubani1


My family has never been together because of my regular absence, I've never given my dedication to building it, because of how busy I am. But still, I always showed them, my love. I guess that wasn't enough for her.

I was at my office when I received a call from my house security guard. I picked up the phone and accepted the call.

"Hello Musa, what is it?" I asked.

"Sir… Sir… " he stammered.

"Yes, Musa I can hear you, what is the problem? I don't have much time."

"Sir...Sir... your wife.. left the house with her bags and... And kids." He stammered.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Sir, your wife left the house with your children!" he repeated as he was shouted into his mouthpiece.

"When did this happen?" I asked in shock.

"Sir… Sir... it was a few minutes ago."

Whenever he stammered, I tried to conclude his sentence to save him from the stress, but on this matter, I just have to let him finish his statement. Immediately he gave me the time she left, I hung up the call, picked up my car key, and dashed downstairs towards the company's car park, and I drove out of there, straight to my house.

I honked repeatedly, waiting for Musa to open the gate. I was just about to open the driver's door when the gates were opened and I zoomed in, parked the car, and stepped out of the car with a curious look, but also in anger. How can she leave the house with my children without giving me a call? We never fought, so what would have made her take such a decision.

I rushed into the house, leaving Musa calling my name.

"Zoe… Zoe…" I furiously shouted her name, as I frantically searched the house. She wasn't at home, then I realized this was real, she left me, she took my kiddies. How could she?

I called all her friends that were known to me, asking for her whereabouts, but all my efforts were fruitless. So I decided to go to the police station and write a statement. But that wasn't enough, I felt I needed to do more, I couldn't just sit at home doing nothing about it, and besides, I've not informed her parents. That their daughter is missing, she might be with them. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea, since I'm not on good terms with them, because I married their daughter without paying her dowry.

"No… don't go there. But I have to even though they don't like me" all this was all playing in my mind.

So I drove to my wife's family house, I wasn't welcome judging by the looks on their faces.

"Good afternoon Sir!" I greeted my father-in-law.

"What's good about the afternoon you criminal?"

"Sir! Please I've not come to provoke you, I know you hate me but something serious has happened."

His expression suddenly changed, as he was eager to know what had happened, and would be pleased if the issuer was concerning me.

"Oh! You have come for my help? What is the problem and what has it to do with me?" He asked his eyes shining.

"Sir! Is about your daughter."

"My daughter? Yes, what about her?" He requested with so much curiosity in his voice.

"She is missing."

"What? What did you just say, young man? My daughter is missing? So you have finally used my daughter for your fetish act?" He asked as he held the collar of my shirt tightly. His face was filled with anxiety.

"Please Sir, I didn't do such a thing. I came back home and found out she took her luggage and my kiddies. I've submitted my statement to the police station."

"Police Station? No, I'll take you to our river goddess to swear you have nothing to do with this. Don't bring the police into this issue."

"River goddess? Swear? No, I can't do that. It's against my belief" I refused vehemently.

"If you don't come with me, I'll make it public that you're a ritualist. You kill people to make money." He shouted.

I didn't want to argue with him any longer, so I followed him to the river goddess. Her shrine was at the back of a river, she was on a white cloth, her eyes were painted with white chalk, she wore a lot of beads on her waist, wrist, and her ankle, making her look beautiful. We approached her and narrated all that happened. Still, she asked me to swear on my life that I don't have a hand to my wife missing, which I did. The river goddess told us, "if after three days you're alive then, you're innocent but if you're found guilty of the accusation, then you'll run insane."

I accepted the consequences.

After seven days and nothing happened, I returned to my house, just as I was stepping inside, my security guard called me back.

"Sir… "

I turned to listen to him, even though I wasn't interested.

"Yes Musa, what do you want to say? " I asked him.

" Sir… before… before... your wife left, she dropped this note for you." he stammered.

He then handed the note to me. As I slowly opened it, I found out it was her writing, and it said, "My dear husband, I'm sorry for leaving without calling you. I just can't stand your busy life and your uncaring attitude towards us. So I left with the kiddies, it hurts me to say this. You're not their father. I'm so sorry dear. Please forgive me, don't bother looking for me because I'm with my lover now, my children's biological father. Forgive me please. Goodbye."

I couldn't hold the tears in my eyes, as I let them out. The pain was unbearable, now my heart is broken. I fell on my knees and cried bitterly. I'm heartbroken.

Where will I start from?

The End

ubani1#8350 @discord


That is a hard story, @ubani1. The poor man. So much has happened to him. The wife seems to have been faithless throughout the marriage, so it does not seem the narrator caused the problem.

Many issues are raised here that interest a Western reader, who might be unfamiliar with this culture--the issue of a dowry and of unfamiliar religious practices, for example. One wishes that Musa had turned over the note from Zoe earlier.

Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community. Thank you for engaging with your fellow authors. We are urging everyone who posts in The Ink Well to take this step, going forward, to ensure our community members are supporting one another. (We also have this in The Ink Well community rules on our home page and in our weekly writing prompts.)


Wow, the wife certainly kept her secret well! Lack of faithfulness ruins so many relationships. Perhaps the main character will come to realize he is better off without Zoe once he is over the trauma.


You tell a story that ends with a touch of irony. The husband, though seemingly wealthy, does not comply with the social contract established in his culture for marriage and keeps his wife's family at a distance. The network of friends and family give him no information, although someone must know something and finally the letter that the doorman took a week to deliver. I am certain that he will restart his life.

I was curious about the intervention of the river mother: is she a seer who transmits the vision of the African Goddess Ochum?


The river goddess plays the part as a seer. One who serves the water spirit.

Thank you for your support.


This is a tragic story. It is horrible when someone you love betrays you. You wrote a very effective story @ubani1.
