Put The Blame On Me


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She wants me to wipe her tears,
Did I ever promise to stand by her?
We have disagreed a number of times,
It all ended in laughter,
Yesterday she wasn't like this,
Perhaps she met you and got induced,
Never allow the man to have a say.

Cunningly, my tears gathered,
When she picked her bags to abdicate from our home,
Truly the to tears gathered,
I held it back in deviance of being a man,
The truthful tears came when I realized,
My world will be crumbled without her,
Gazing at me through her lashes she stood akimbo.

A moon had last since we last fought,
It doesn't seem a normal thing to occur,
Chaos had been the middleman in this marriage,
In my there must be a way to this,
Deliberate actions can spur the sleeping dog,
A tumbler of water I poured on the sofa,
Now she was going to rant again.

Sitting next to me the very wet spot,
Angels are born in human form,
Gentle mildly like a tiptoed she stood,
A napkin and soaked away my deliberate action,
There I sat shocked to my marrow,
In search of the devil.i thought I married,
With laughter she returned.

Basking in the euphoria of what I could not deduce,
Engulfed my thoughts like amoeba against a prey,
On-hand a bucket of popcorn,
On the other a tumbler of fruit juice,
She sat deeply close to my loins,
As we shared the treasure she brought in her hands,
My demoted ego pushed me to the munching.

The night came and sleep carried away,
Like a newborn child I slept,
A prick woke me at midnight,
Now the wonder of where she could be covered my eyes,
On her knees praying that her husband is safe,
Favored and elevated she prayed,
Now the real tears took over man.

Fell on my knees as I joined the prayer,
I surrendered to her will,
To steer our home to the cape of good hope,
It's been me all along,
Play God while being the devil,
To an angel who wanted to save me from doom,
Put it all on me I agree.


Hello @mrenglish,

We only publish short stories in this community. I am sorry. Perhaps you can post it in a poetry community.

Thank you for thinking of us when you write creatively.


Good morning @theinkwell, I woke up to find your comments on this after nine long hours.
I am sincerely sorry for posting poetry here. It won't occur again.
