(Eng/Esp) The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #11. La construcción del Planeta Pureza Diamantina / The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #11 - The construction of the Diamond Purity Planet


ENGLISH VERSION by https://www.deepl.com/translator

Hello dear Inkwell readers!

Again this week we had another new challenge to the imagination.

My story is a science fiction about the creation of a planet. To create it, different extraterrestrials get together and analyze the experience of Planet Earth. Based on what happened there, they decide to build a new planet, with 3 types of humanoids, to see its evolution.

I titled my story: The construction of the Diamond Purity Planet.



It was the year 3000 AD, according to ancient Earth time, the commanders of the ship Intergalacton, Versinatus and Corazonitis, from the Galaxy PhenomenunAmatista......... were meeting to analyze what had happened on Planet Earth.

Corazonitis commented:

-The humans self-destructed. Most of them did not want to accept the help we offered. They were very attached to everything ....... which produced a paralyzing fear in them and they did not make the right decisions.

To which Versinatus adds:

-Not all of them. Remember that we were able to rescue the groups of chosen ones and those who "woke up in time". When we transferred them to the mothership Zhenta, which was the same as their beloved Planet Earth, they adapted perfectly and continued their evolution without any problem.

Oh, I forgot ..... thanks to Commander SuperbaPhalena the last nuclear catastrophe was avoided, otherwise it would be a bigger job for us to do at this moment. So we have to consider all these details, including the experiences we had with the other planets.

I have a dilemma, do we repopulate Planet Earth?.... or do we build another one. In the latter case, what name shall we give it?

Corazonitis replies:

-Heartonitis replies: -Honestly? - I would build a new one and call it Diamond Purity, what do you think?

-Oh, I like the idea. I like the idea. I associate it with precious stones," replies Versinatus.

Already with this decision, the two commanders established a schedule and a work plan. The objective was to present it to the members of the Milky Way Galactic Board, which groups all the inhabitants of the planets belonging to the Infinitum System. For this purpose, the responsibilities were divided. It was too much for one individual.

Corazonitis would be in charge of selecting the type of creatures, the emotional, mental and physical characteristics they were going to have. How they would interact with each other and everything related to their lives. Meanwhile, Versinatus would be in charge of the environment of those creatures, where and how they would live and any other event related to that environment.

It took them half an hour in their amatistin time, two months of the old earthly time, to finish the project.

On the agreed day, in the Kuantim-3 Room of the Kuantum-H1 ship, they met with the Galactic Board and the rest of the representatives of the other planets that form the Infinitum System.

Corazonitis begins the conversation and says:

-Here I show you how the inhabitants will be-.
And with a wave of his hand, a three-dimensional screen appears in full color, where the individuals can be seen.

One of his assistants, Commander Relojina, a native of Planet Verdesmeraldina, nods:

-It seems to me that there is little diversity among the inhabitants.

To which Corazonitis replies:

-I decided that they should be similar to the inhabitants of Earth but of a single race, tan in color, of an average height of 1.70 meters. But I gave them different colors for hair and eyes. This for the physical appearance, both for men and women. That way problems between different races will be avoided, which was one of the difficulties we had with the earthlings. They would be humanoids very similar to each other.

For this planet I decided that 3 types of humanoids would coexist. This to see the evolutionary behavior. I detail them:

The first group would communicate verbally with each other but would have developed the gift of remote viewing, telepathy and telekinesis.
The second, in addition to these characteristics, could travel in time, physically move from one place to another just by thought, and just by feeling love precipitate everything they need to live.
To the third group I would give all the previous characteristics and I would also add verbal and telepathic communication with other living beings, being able to see the parallel worlds and according to their evolution decide in which one they prefer to stay. Additionally, this last group would have fear eliminated from their lives, so that we could communicate with them and train them in our ships. Those who pass the exam would go to other more developed and evolved planets.

-And what would the other beings be like?" asks the scientist InvestigatorisParlante, Relojina's companion.

Corazonitis adds:

-Well, depending on the humanoid group, I would place a diversity of plants, animals and stones of all kinds. All these creatures will be able to communicate with the humanoids verbally and telepathically, according to their evolution. For example, the plants would have their color, aromas and nutrients intensified when they were ready to be used. The stones would be inscribed with instructions for humanoids to follow in order to advance to a higher evolutionary level.

InvestigatorisSpeaker thanks him and comments:

-I think everything is perfect. Now it is your turn Versinatus.

Versinatus uses the same method as Corazonitis to show, to the audience, all the scenarios that would be created and begins the explanation:

-The planet will be full of precious stones. It will have deep blue seas, reflecting the color of the aquamarine stone at the bottom. The sands of the beach will contain gold and silver dust. The rivers and water wells will be crystalline, and their bottom will be covered with diamonds. The waterfalls and streams of water will be formed, some of jade stone, and others of emerald. The mountains will be dotted with tourmaline, onyx, rubies, various rose quartz crystals and amethysts. The rain will consist of pure scented water. Pure air and a permanent tropical climate would be enjoyed all over the planet.

InvestigatorisParlante intervenes:

-I think everything is ready. When do we start the creation?

All attendees made the customary sign, created and diffused pink smoke with their minds, to express their approval with what was proposed, and decided to immediately begin the construction of the Diamond Purity Planet.


¡Hola estimados lectores de Inkwell!.

Nuevamente en esta semana tuvimos otro nuevo reto a la imaginación.

Mi relato de es de ciencia ficción sobre la creación de un planeta. Para crearlo se reúnen diferentes extraterrestres y analizan la experiencia del Planeta Tierra. En base a lo ocurrido allí deciden construir un nuevo planeta, con 3 tipos de humanoides, para ver su evolución.

Mi historia la titulé: La construcción del Planeta Pureza Diamantina.



Transcurría el año 3000 después de Cristo, según el antiguo tiempo terrestre, los comandantes de la nave Intergalacton, Versinatus y Corazonitis, oriundos de la Galaxia PhenomenunAmatista……… estaban reunidos analizando lo que había pasado en el Planeta Tierra.

Corazonitis comenta:

-Los humanos se autodestruyeron. La mayoría no quiso aceptar la ayuda que le ofrecíamos. Estaban muy apegados a todo…….lo que les producía un miedo paralizante y no tomaron decisiones acertadas.

A lo que Versinatus acota:

-No todos. Acuérdate que los grupos de elegidos y los que “despertaron a tiempo” los pudimos rescatar. Al trasladarlos a la nave nodriza Zhenta, que era igual que su amado Planeta Tierra, se adaptaron perfectamente y siguieron su evolución sin ningún problema.

¡Ah! se me olvidaba….. gracias a la Comandante SuperbaPhalena se evitó la última catástrofe nuclear, de lo contrario sería mayor el trabajo que nos tocaría realizar en este momento. Por lo que tenemos que considerar todos estos detalles, incluyendo las experiencias que tuvimos con los otros planetas.

Tengo un dilema, ¿repoblamos el Planeta Tierra?....¿ o construimos otro?. En este último caso. ¿Qué nombre le ponemos?-

Corazonitis le responde:

-¿Sinceramente?. – Yo construiría uno nuevo y lo llamaría Pureza Diamantina ¿Qué te parece?- .

-¡Oh!. Me gusta la idea. Lo asocio con piedras preciosas.- Contesta Versinatus.

Ya con esta decisión, los dos comandantes establecieron un cronograma y un plan de trabajo. El objetivo era presentárselo a los miembros de la Junta Galáctica Vía Láctea, la cual agrupa a todos los habitantes de los planetas pertenecientes al Sistema Infinitum. Para ello se dividieron las responsabilidades. Era demasiado para un solo individuo.

Corazonitis se encargaría de seleccionar el tipo de criaturas, las características emocionales, mentales y físicas que iban a tener. Como iban a interactuar entre ellas y todo lo relacionado con sus vidas. Mientras, Versinatus se encargaría del entorno de esas criaturas, donde y como vivirían y de cualquier otro acontecimiento relacionado con ese ambiente.

Les tomó media hora en su tiempo amatistino, dos meses del antiguo tiempo terrenal, en terminar el proyecto.

El día acordado, en la Sala Kuantim-3 de la nave Kuantum-H1, se reunieron con la Junta Galáctica y con el resto de representantes de los demás planetas que forman el Sistema Infinitum.

Corazonitis comienza la conversación y dice:

-Aquí les muestro como serán los habitantes-
Y con un movimiento de su mano aparece una pantalla tridimensional a todo color, donde se ven los individuos.

Una de sus asistentes, la comandante Relojina, oriunda del Planeta Verdesmeraldina, asienta:

-Me parece que hay poca diversidad entre los habitantes.-

A lo que Corazonitis responde:

-Decidí que fueran parecidos a los habitantes de la Tierra pero de una sola raza, de color bronceado, de estatura promedio de 1,70 metros. Pero le di diferentes colores para el cabello y los ojos. Esto para el aspecto físico, tanto para los hombres como para las mujeres. De esa manera se evitarán los problemas entre diferentes razas, que fue una de las dificultades que tuvimos con los terrícolas. Serían humanoides muy parecidos entre ellos.

Para este planeta resolví que coexistieran 3 tipos de humanoides. Esto para ver el comportamiento evolutivo. Les detallo:

El primer grupo se comunicaría verbalmente entre ellos pero tendrían desarrollados el don de visión remota, telepatía y telequinesis.
El segundo, además de esas características, podría viajar en el tiempo, trasladarse físicamente de un lugar a otro solo con el pensamiento, y con solo sentir amor precipitar todo lo que necesiten para vivir.
Al tercer grupo le daría todas las características anteriores y además le añadiría la comunicación tanto verbal como telepática con los otros seres vivientes, poder ver los mundos paralelos y según su evolución decidir en cual prefieren quedarse. Adicionalmente, a este último grupo se le eliminaría el miedo de sus vidas, de esa manera podríamos comunicarnos con ellos y entrenarlos en nuestras naves. Los que aprueben el examen pasarían a otros planetas más desarrollados y evolucionados.

-¿Y los otros seres como serían?- pregunta el científico InvestigatorisParlante, compañero de Relojina.

Corazonitis acota:

-Bueno, según el grupo humanoide, le colocaría diversidad de plantas, animales y piedras de toda índole. Todas esas criaturas podrán comunicarse con los humanoides de manera verbal y telepática, según la evolución de los mismos. Por ejemplo a las plantas se les intensificaría el color, los aromas y los nutrientes cuando estuviesen listas para ser usadas. Las piedras llevarían inscritas las instrucciones a seguir, por los humanoides, para avanzar a un grado evolutivo mayor.

InvestigatorisParlante le da las gracias y comenta:

-Creo que todo está perfecto. Ahora es su turno Versinatus.-

Versinatus emplea el mismo método que Corazonitis para mostrar, a la audiencia, todos los escenarios que se crearían y comienza la explicación:

-El planeta estará lleno de piedras preciosas. Tendrá mares de azul intenso, reflejando el color de la piedra aguamarina ubicada en el fondo. Las arenas de la playa contendrán polvo de oro y plata. Los ríos y pozos de agua serán cristalinos, y su fondo estará recubierto de diamantes. Las cascadas y quebradas de agua serán formadas, unas, de piedra de jade, y otras de esmeralda. Las montañas estarán salpicadas de turmalina, ónix, rubíes, diferentes cristales de cuarzo rosado y amatistas. La lluvia consistirá de agua pura aromatizada. Se disfrutaría de un aire puro y de un clima tropical permanente en todo el planeta.-

InvestigatorisParlante interviene:

-Yo creo que todo está listo. ¿Cuándo comenzamos la creación?-

Todos los asistentes hicieron la señal de costumbre, crearon y difuminaron humo rosado con sus mentes, para manifestar su aprobación con lo planteado, y decidieron comenzar de inmediato la construcción del Planeta Pureza Diamantina.


What a creative writing. It makes the imagination real as if i am watching it on a screen.
But i think the new earth planet will be a nice place to stay.
Good work.


Thank you for supporting your fellow writer. Great comment!


Thanks, I wanted to make it a little different.....

Every week is a new challenge for all of us.

I really like this community


What an elaborately developed world you have created. You are clear about the circumstances that lead to creation of the world. You are clear about the "creators", those who will populate and design the new world. You have some very interesting details. I think my favorite is this:

The plants would have their color, aromas and nutrients intensified when they were ready to be used

That is something I've never read, anywhere, before. It is original and appealing. All in all you have written a wonderful, world-creating story. Thank you for posting it in the Ink Well community.


Thanks to you. I'm glad you liked my story. I tried to involve as much as I could in the creation. We always have a new weekly challenge. Thanks for reading me!!!


I enjoyed this very much, @katleya. I like the way you set readers in the scene from the start. We understand what has happened to the earth and we see the rationale for many of the innovations planned by the "creators".

I did wonder, as I read about their plan for a community in which there is no racial strife. Everybody is tan. On the other, there are three classes of people, essentially a heirarchy of classes based on abilities. Will this not lead perhaps to strife?

Interesting to explore the ideas of your creators, which I found novel and thought-provoking. A great story.


Thanks for reading and commenting.

I came up with this story just based on eliminating racial or religious struggles.

Even though each group would be in the same place this would not happen because they would have different vibes. That was another idea I had. I didn't put it in because it would make the story too long.

People usually like shorter stories, but for me, depending on the subject matter, sometimes it's hard to achieve that.
