[Replay] There's something about those Rare N64 games...

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No, seriously. Why are they so awesome? What did they do to make these games so incredibly cool?

It's weird, though. I never owned this game until recently. So when Video Games Monthly sent me a copy, I knew I had to play it on stream so you guys could see me flail around for your entertainment.

Aaaand...that's pretty much what happened! Welcome to the wild world of Banjo-Kazooie!

Because this game was given to me, I'm gonna share the love! Once I complete this game, I'm going to give it away to one of my subscribers on Vimm as this month's subscriber giveaway. If you want to win a copy of Banjo-Kazooie, just make sure you're subscribed before the 28th of July. think you can do that? Awesome!
