I finally visit my grandfather after 10 months!


The last time I saw my grandfather was in May 2020, already under strict quarantine here in Argentina. We saw each other through a fence when I made him some purchases so that he and his wife do not expose themselves to contagion. Today we are in a phase called DISPO (Compulsory Preventive Social Distancing) and we can get together about 10 people in the same place, so my parents and I take care of each other all week to see us today with them.

La ultima vez que vi a mi abuelo fue en mayo del 2020, ya con la cuarentena estricta aquí en Argentina. Nos vimos a travez de una reja cuando le hice unas compras para que él y su esposa no se expongan al contagio. Hoy en dia estamos en una fase llamada DISPO (Distanciamiento Social Preventivo Obligatorio) y podemos juntarnos unas 10 personas en un mismo lugar, asi que mis padres y yo nos cuidamos toda la semana para vernos hoy con ellos.



We got together for lunch, my grandfather's wife is Spanish from Galicia, so she delighted us with a typical Spanish dish: Paella.

nos juntamos a almorzar, la mujer de mi abuelo es española de Galicia asi que nos deleitó con un plato tipico español: Paella.



I can't describe how tasty this dish is

no les puedo describir lo sabroso de éste plato


she also prepared a totally homemade frozen dessert with lemon, condensed milk and sweet cookies

además ella preparó un postre helado totalmente casero con limón, leche condensada y galletitas dulces


my grandfather took advantage of his free time from quarantine to dedicate himself to gardening at home, so he proudly showed us his garden

mi abuelo aprovechó el tiempo libre de la cuarentena para dedicarse a la jardinería del hogar, así que nos mostró orgullosamente su jardín


We spent the entire afternoon drinking, laughing, watching music videos, and chatting. We miss each other so much. I hope it doesn't take that long to see us again.

Pasamos toda la tarde bebiendo, riendo, mirando videos de música y charlando. Nos extrañamos mucho. Espero que no pase tanto tiempo para vernos nuevamente.

thank you very much for reading my post! a kiss and a hug, heypuch

muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría


That's a perfect way to spend some time! One of the worst results of all of this crap is that we lose our ability to be what humans are completely designed for: being social! I'm sure you felt so much better seeing them and spending time with them, as I'm sure it was so fun and special for them as well.

That dessert she made looks unreal! I'm sure it tasted fantastic.


We used to get together every weekend in the past, going so long without seeing each other was really a challenge! but the incredible thing was that we felt that time had not passed :)


That's great, I'm glad you got to feel that way! Time flies indeed but some things like this feel like it was only yesterday you last saw each other.


A mighty fine looking paella! Good also that you got to see your grandfather after all those months.
