A weekend of interviews back from rock 'n' roll


Hello dear readers.

It's only been a few hours since the week started, but today I want to tell you how my weekend was last weekend.

It was really great, I was invited to the show vuelta de rockola hosted by @tarot911 and @alberto0607 on @laradio.

Their show consists of an interview, where the interviewee brings 7 memorable songs in their life, to make themselves known.

I chose my playlist a week in advance. On several occasions I have told you part of my life, but this time you would know about me, thanks to the musical rhythm, to the songs that are an important part of my life.

It was a big challenge, first of all because of the nerves I had about being interviewed, I am very shy, and then because of choosing the right songs.

To say I have a single genre of music that I enjoy, I don't. I really enjoy music.

At the start of the show I was super nervous, there was quite an audience to listen to.
With my first song, I didn't know how the listeners were going to react, to my surprise they took it very well, they started joking, and I felt more comfortable, the nerves were disappearing.


Seeing that they enjoyed the music made me feel more confident, I think I spoke more than I would have imagined.

With each song the interaction was more joyful, @edwing357 kept making super interesting stickers to share. With every song there was someone who identified with it.

There was no shortage of questions from @alberto0607 and @tarot911, and some listeners were even interested in my anecdotes and asked me questions.


Everyone enjoyed themselves and even danced as did @hexagono6 that dance and enjoy.

Some of them even gave me advice when I told them how I once fell down in the disco because I had changed shoes with my sister 😂.


I want to thank the wonderful hosts of this space for the invitation @tarot911 and @alberto0607 to those who were present at my rock 'n' roll return: @orimusic, @nildasalazar, @soychalbed,@chaodietas, @edwing357, @sacra97,@lisfabian, @aniyeru22, @nanyuris,(at the moment I don't remember them all, I have only named the ones I remember, I know there were more public, but my memory is not very good).
As always they made me feel at home.
In @laradio I have found companionship and incredible support, Thanks for everything.

The images are captures made with my phone


Hermosa experiencia de verdad que la pase mega genial mi amiga Linda... Sabes que por aquí puedes contar conmigo... Se te quiere y aprecia... Bendiciones


La pasamos demasiado fino y tus canciones me gustaron bastante. Y las primeras que sonaron me recordaron también que las que se oian acá en casa.


Fue toda una grata experiencia el haberte entrevistado. Fue muy agradable ver que los nervios en tí fueron desapareciendo y que poco te sentiste cómoda compartiendo con todos nosotros. Tu playlist fue sorprendente pero muy chévere. Creo que todos nos divertimos un montón ese día. Gracias por ser parte de comunidad de @laradio. Saludos y bendiciones.


Oh fue una tarde fabulosa, me hubiese encantado escuchar la anécdota de los zapatos jajaja, saludos.


Hola @carmenm20 fue un maravilloso encuentro el que tuvimos a traves del programa, la verdad no me imaginaba que tenia alguien de aca tan cerca ja ja Me sorprendio tantoooo cuando me dijiste la profe nilda y lo de servicio comunitario que mi cara de ponchada fue unica ja ja cai como condorito. Pero es muy grato escuchar a los estudiantes como te recuerdan con cariño, aqui en hive no soy tu profe, soy tu amiga y compañera. Tenemos mucho que compartirnos ja ja. Post data: No sabia que eras la esposa del profe upsss. Muchos abrazos


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