motor show at St.Petersburg, Russia (20 foto)



In early April, a friend from my last job invited me to visit an international car show at Expoforum in St. Petersburg, Russia - and I agreed. I am not a big car fan, but thousands of people attend this interesting event, and it is always worth looking at through the camera viewfinder. The price of admission ticket by the way was not high (500 rubles = less than 7 US dollars = less than 15 HIVE tokens), rock concerts and even a bottle of cognac are much more expensive. And good memories are priceless.

В начале апреля друг с прошлой работы пригласил меня посетить международную автомобильную выставку в Экспофоруме, и я согласился. Я нe фанат машинок (у меня байк есть), но мероприятие посещают тысячи людей, на такое стоит посмотреть через видоискатель камеры. Цена входного билета была невысокой (500 рублей = меньше 7 долларов = меньше 15 хайв токенов), рок-концерты и даже бутылка коньяка стоят намного дороже. А хорошие воспоминания - бесценны.


Its the 1st time this (annual) exhibition was held at ForumExpo exhibition center; a huge pavilion looked like this. The location is a 15-minute drive from the city.

Выставка впервые проходила в выставочном центре, огромный павильон выглядел так. Локация располагается в 10 минутах езды от города.


I spent there two full days, and at the end was overflowing with impressions (I could not contain more!). Two-thirds of the exhibition was dedicated to retro cars, their restoration (about this topic I plan to write separately) and certain editions were on sale. There were a lot of kids here (it was a pleasure to photograph them!) - definitely more kids than cars :) Most of all, I was interested in photographing children and vintage cars. In this post I will try to give a general overview of everything interesting that I noticed at the show, without going into much detail.

Я провел насыщенные два дня, и под конец был переполнен через край впечатлениями (больше в меня уже не умещалось). Две третьих части выставки было посвящено ретро-машинам, их реставрации и продаже (про эту тему я надеюсь еще напишу отдельно). Я попробую сделать общий обзор всего интересного бывшего на выставке, не углубляясь намного в отдельные детали. Здесь было много детей (одно удовольствие их фотографировать!) - определенно, детей было больше чем машин :) Интереснее всего было фоткать детей и винтаж.


The fact that the children will be interested in the exhibition was clear at the entrance - there was an amphibious armored truck, covered with children. Touching it with their hands is much more interesting than looking at pictures or from afar... They just went inside.... and wouldn't come out of it!

...And there were a few of these particularly interesting places where I myself would have loved to be stuck for a few hours.

То, что детям будет на выставке интересно, становилось понятно еще на входе - у входа стоял армейский броневик-амфибия, весь облепленный детьми. Трогать руками гораздо интереснее, чем смотреть на картинках или издалека... Они просто заходили внутрь.... и не вылезали из него!

...и было несколько таких особенно интересных мест, где я сам с удовольствием бы застрял на несколько часов.


I am a bookish person, books are always of primary interest to me. At the exhibition I found three stands selling interesting books on automobile classics, domestic and foreign. // Я человек книжный, книги меня привлекают в первую очередь. На выставке я нашел три стенда, где продавались интересные книги о автомобильной классике, отечественной и зарубежной.


Of course, there was music, there was a DJ - and a chill-out zone (but very small! just for one person). // Конечно, была музыка, был диджей... и была чил-аут зона (небольшая! всего для одного человека).


The Russian Automobile Federation held a report event on last year's results and presented some of its awards. I didn't get to stand around and find out which ones. But then I saw a lot of people walking around the exhibition with these huge trophies. That looks impressive!

Российская автомобильная федерация провела отчетное мероприятие по итогам прошлого года и вручала какие-то свои награды. Я не постоял и не выяснил, какие именно. Но видел потом много людей, гулявших по выставке с этими огромными кубками. Выглядит впечатляюще!



A large, very beautiful and interesting stand was set up by the FSB (former KGB). Just imagine: the KGB tells and shows instead of forbidding and hiding! It's amazing... times are changing. In fact, the booth was dedicated to one (probably small) their subdivision: the Special Garage, which serves the President and the first persons of the country. The exhibit includes a diagram of the garage, historical photos, and Soviet relics (e.g. cups, klaxons, pennants and helmets with Soviet insignia - served in the convoy - government court... etc.). A very interesting exhibit where you could spend 30-40 minutes, unfortunately I only spent 10 minutes and didn't read anything - I was working the camera... The Garage was founded in 1921 - the same time as the Soviet state came into being, and originally consisted of cars taken away from Emperor Nicholas and the Grand Dukes.... This year the Garage is celebrating its 100th anniversary.

Большой, очень красивый и интересный стенд устроила ФСБ (бывшее КГБ). Вы только вообразите себе: КГБ рассказывает и показывает, вместо того чтобы запрещать и прятать! Удивительно... времена меняются. Стенд был посвящен маленькому, но гордому подразделению конторы: Особому гаражу, к-й обслуживает Презика и первых лиц страны. Экспозиция включает схему гаража, исторические фото, советские реликвии (как-то: кубки, клаксоны, вымпелы, шлемы мотоциклистов правительственного кортёжа и т.д). Увы, прочесть все не было возможности - я работал камерой... Гараж был основан в 1921 году, тогда когда появилось советское государство, и первоначально состоял из автомобилей, отобранных у императора Николая и Великих князей.... В этом году Гараж празднует юбилей - 100 лет истории.




By the way: the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the first tsar of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin, rode in such a Belleville-Delonais car. This car could also be seen at the exhibition, at Lenfilm's exposition. Yes, it is not the original, but a replica, recreated according to the drawings in 1988. The car participated in more than 30 movies!

Кстати: вот на таком автомобиле "Бельвиль-Делонэ" ездили последний российский император Николай 2, и первый царь советского государства - Владимир Ленин. Этот автомобиль тоже можно было увидеть на выставке, в экспозиции Ленфильма. Да, это не оригинал, а реплика, воссозданная по чертежам в 1988 году. Автомобиль поучаствовал в более чем 30 кинофильмах!



1st things 1st, and this is a photo of the first Russian car, by Frere and Yakovlev, dating back to 1896. Note: it was using a bicycle chain! This is a replica, of course. Not only the real original device did not survive, but even its storyline after the demonstration to Emperor Nicholas at the 16th All-Russian Industrial Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod is not known. It just got lost and drowned in the sands of time.

Выше фотография первого российского автомобиля 1896 года. Реплика, конечно. Настоящий оригинальный исходник не только не сохранился, но не известна даже и его примерная судьба после демонстрации императору Николаше на 16-й Всероссийской Промышленной выставке в Нижнем Новгороде.



Two-thirds of the exhibition was occupied by vintage cars, motorcycles, and buses. The City Museum of Transport and Lenfilm film studio brought their exhibits, and numerous restoration workshops advertised their services, boasted their skills and level of quality, and sold both restored cars and "starting material" for restoration.

Две трети выставки занимали ретро-автомобили, мотоциклы, автобумы. Городской Музей Транспорта и киностудия Ленфильм привезли свои экспонаты, а многочисленные мастерские по реставрации рекламировали свои услуги, хвастались умениями и уровнем качества, и продавали как отреставрированные машины, так и "отправной материал" для восстановления.


This is what the bus found in the south of Russia looks like, without the engine, which is to be restored to 95%!

Вот так выглядит найденный на юге России автобус, без мотора, который предстоит восстановить на 95%!


I'm deliberately not going to go deeply into retro cars right now - that's a topic for a dozen separate posts! But I will show one picture I shot especially to show to my friend @johannpiber: BMW motorcycle from 1929!

Я умышленно не стану углубляться и показывать много фотографий - это отдельная тема для дюжины постов! Но покажу одну фотографию специально для моего друга Йохана. Мотоцикл БМВ 1929 года!



Если бы я имел с собой больше денег, я бы не покинул выставку без новых очков!


Amazing booth that sold all kinds of steampunk accessories. I don't think I'd want one (impractical!) But it looks - very attractive. I've seen people walking around the show who have already bought themselves a steampunk hat, hehe :)

Удивительный стенд, где продавался всякие стимпанк-аксессуары. Я не думаю что хотел бы себе такой (непрактично!) Но выглядит - очень привлекательно. Я видел ходящих по выставке людей, которые уже купили себе стимпанк-шляпу, хехе :)



"Flea market!" The exhibition had a very special and quite unexpected for me, section. Owners of old cars, collectors, restorers have to get spare parts somewhere, so it was an extremely popular section! I think this stuff took up about 100 square meters of space. I don't restore old cars myself, but there was a lot of intresting stuff for me too. A few stores with vintage stuff that didn't have much to do with cars.... although there were some collectible vintage toy cars there as well.

Выставка имела даже барахолку! Владельцы старых авто, коллекционеры, реставраторы должны где-то брать запчасти, и это был крайне популярный раздел выставки! Я машины не реставрирую, но и для меня там нашлось много чего интересного! Несколько магазинов с винтажными вещами, не имеющими к машинкам отношения.... хотя там были и коллекционные винтажные игрушечные машины. Но винтаж хорош сам по себе!



There was a children's area for bicycles and treadmills at the exhibition, where they learned the rules of the road, and instilled in children the skills of proper behavior on the road. Great idea, and implementation. A separate area was set aside for playing with radio-controlled models. Dozens of children just devoured what was going on with hungry eyes!

На выставке была детская площадка для катания на велосипедах и беговелах, где изучали правила движения, и прививали детям навыки правильного поведения на дороге. Отличная идея, и реализация. Отдельная площадка была отведена для игры радио-управляемыми моделями. Десятки детей просто пожирали происходящее голодными глазами!



The chassis of a real trolleybus (built in 1948, dismounted in mid 1960-es) turned out into another highlight of the exhibition, a very popular attraction and a place of children's attraction. The trolleybus itself without motor and with a high level of losses was decided not to be a subject for restoration, so its parts were used for restoration of other cars, and City Transport Museum chose to preserve the chassis only, and transformed into a museum piece itself - a wise decision! a great piece it is. Hundreds of children could test / feel themselves as drivers, turning the wheel and pressing the brake pedal (although most of the children could not reach the pedal - they went home tired but extremely happy... to grow a longer legs).

Шасси настоящего троллейбуса также оказалось одним из самых оживленных мест выставки, самым популярным аттракционом для детей, местом притяжения. Сам троллейбус не подлежал реставрации, его части были использованы на реставрацию других вагонов, а шасси оставили, сохранили в музее и превратили в экспонат - мудрое решение! Сотни детей смогли почувствовать себя водителем, крутя руль и нажимая на педаль тормоза (хотя большинство детей не могли до педали дотянуться - они ушли домой уставшие, но довольныe... отращивать длинные ноги).



Let me pause my story here. Part 1 of the story was published here. Part (3) will follow!

location: St.Petersburg, Russia April 2021 lamps light
camera: Canon 5D Zenitar 16mm, 16-35mm, 50mm ex-jpg


The post goes for #OCD community highlighting contest.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
Thanks for visiting my blog!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 54 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


You called for me @qwerrie? That's a cool post, my friend, so many beautiful cars, lots of information 😃 and you have made me curious on the BMW 😁

I hope you and your family are doing well, my friend 😊

I am not much engaging nor posting at the moment - just not enough time and only little motivation. But I haven't forgotten you, my Russian friend, and when the times get better I will be more around again 🙂

Cheers and !BEER


oh damn, I copypasted another link - a red corvette instead of... damn. I am adding a BWM in a minute. Believe me or not, but that shot I was making thinking about you :-) there also was a motorcycle completely made of wood. not sure if you will be intrested to look at that one!

I have a !BEER for you too. 🙏


Good morning @qwerrie,

haha, I thought you were calling me and if I hear your call you would show me the motorbike 😁 I'll have a look at it in a minute.

You're too kind, my friend, and I have become too lazy in the past months 😏

Thanks a lot for the !BEER - want a !PIZZA too ?



Johan, you dont stop to surprise me. ofc I want pizza!!! and I want to find out more about it. can you direct me at the pizz-e-ria (the source / initial explanatory post), please?..

!BEER and !ENGAGE 50


Haha, perfect timing, you got me at lunchtime and I have a few minutes 😁

Have a look there:

Hope you have a great day at work, my friend 😎

Cheers and !BEER


thanks! and the !BEER


Most welcome 😁

Cheers and !BEER


obtained my 1st 5 Pizza tokens right now... could not resist this joy :P

and have to celebrate it with !BEER, because coffee is not on the Hive, but waiting me at home :)))


Congratulations 😀
The only problem is that you can give only 10 !PIZZA per day and so you have to do some counting, but I don't 😉
I know you are a little coffee gourmet ☕

Cheers and !BEER



The legend says, it is BMW R42 (with 2-cylinder engine 494cm)


I hope i alerted you not without a good reason?.. but to consume a little !BEER with me is always a decent reason, I know : )))) wish you well, and your family.


Wow, this motorbike looks great, and it's so clean - you should see mine after riding on wet roads in the past days 😎
These days they made real machines. Nowadays we have more electronics than machine parts, I believe ;) Under the seat of my bike there are cables and wires and an electronics unit. If I want to change the injection or such, I connect my bike via bluetooth with my phone...

You are so right, from time to time you should forget all the nonsense that's going on in the world and have a !BEER with a friend ... cheers my friend 🍻



If I want to change the injection or such, I connect my bike via bluetooth with my phone...

thats a pure shame! push the button - go drink !BEER - and the bike meanwhile will be doing all the job?! no, I dont feel its right. ofc, living such a lazy life should develop some lazy habits :)))


That was just an example of how digital even such machines are nowadays 😉 I need to do such things only every now and then when the motor doesn't run fine anymore, because I have an aftermarket exhaust and an aftermarket air filter installed.

I would be glad though if the bike would be doing my job and I could go for a !BEER or take a few photos 🤣



heh. that is a fancy idea, but this dangerous route eventually (in the future) lead to the territory of no beer and no photos... I afraid. Could not but remember; Stephen King short story 'The Cars' instantly is coming to my mind. bon appetit!


If it does all of my work and don't eat me I would say that's kind of "perfect" 🤣

Cheers and !BEER


when the times get better I will be more around again

actually, the better times already came. probably I should drop you a little message in details, but not now. in brief: i've eventually got a good full-time job! started in April, so in June it will be desided if they will leave me for the next year(s). Its a established publishing house releasing kid's books. Very cool! Just yesterday received my 1st salary check and used my new plastic card in a shop...


Hey, that's cool @qwerrie, I'm so happy for you, my friend.

After such a long time without a job you have got work and you can even work with your beloved books 😀
I know they will keep you after the trial period, because they see that you love books, and your future will be safe 👍

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE


Thank you so much for sharing your visit @qwerrie - talk about depth, my word what an event - vintage vehicles as well some ex military machines.

We are especially fond the series 2a Land Rover, and it's good to see you found some books too - we have a lovely book from the Mercedes Motor Museum in Stuttgart and it features one of our classics the C124 230CE

Looking forward to looking at Pt1.


Pt. 1 already was out... and,I confused to say that I didnt yet make a decent post about any thing I met there. I mean, I came back with such a load of photos and impressions, that I even did not sorted out all of them yet. So, I just tried to mention about everything great or notable mentioning that I met there. Maybe next step is, I will spend time on editing photos, and then separate stories wil start to pop up. I am not in the know of the vintage cars, I just love the stuff visually. Perhaps I should educate myself a bit, writing about them. Or just make a photo-posts with captures. (I tried to capture the tablets with data, describing certain cars names and their features).

thats it!


Yes we noticed, typically we saw Pt2 first :) it's always good to learn about new things especially if you enjoy taking photos, as the name suggests we know quite abit about cars, thank you for the reply


Wow, what a freaking awesome post!!! Loved it. I can see our car there - we have a Landrover Series 3 109, and you happen to capture one - that's so cool! Except ours is grey.

I'm always reluctant go to to car shows as well, but I enjoy them once I'm there. I love that bus - this show looks massive and some pretty cool vehicles there!

Great dual language presentation, by the way.



oh! I understand this pleasure of recognizing your own stuff at other folks photos! especially when its rare and not usual-widely-circulated.
how old is this Landrover Series 3 109 model? I mean what time it dates back to? I dont know anything about them. Your edition is graded into a vvery cool tint of grey that i would date back to 40-50-es... and what I've captured at the show, is definitely 'the modern edition', more of the functionality... that neon yellow would suit better for searching your wrecked car with drones or helicopters :)))

glad you like the story, it was 'aboout everything', the next part(s) probably will be more specific about the old cars, and some certain models. but Idk when I have time for writing it :))

!BEER and !ENGAGE 15 for you, my friend.


Love motor shows they really have a great collection here just amazing to see the old to new technology has certainly come a long way 👍


Yes, a long way! the 1st Russian car here looks exactly like a horse carriage with bicycle chain, just without the horse! Its fantastic to see this at a hands distance, not in the old black and white photos!

thank you for a little pleasant feedback - !BEER. I hope soon will be able to add some PIZZA to this treat :)


Is it just me, or does that first Russian car look like a wheelchair. Amazing post.


well, for me more like a horse carriage without a horse :)
