[ESP-ENG] Llegara pronto el carro deseado, hecho realidad ❤ The desired car will arrive soon, a reality.


Saludos querida familia de Hive,me es grato participar en este concurso patrocinado por @ocd, desde la comunidad de @planetauto.Con la pregunta , ¿Cuál es el auto de tus sueños y cuánto cuesta adquirir ese auto en tu país? , en la siguiente publicación

Desde mi juventud me ha gustado este carro 4x4,ya que siento que es amplio y a todo terreno. Creo que los sueños se hacen realidad, de allí grandes empresarios con sus ganas y luchas, lograron sus sueños y el mio propio es de llegar tener uno. Esta es una gran oportunidad de decirlo.

Greetings dear Hive family, I am pleased to participate in this contest sponsored by @ocd, from the @planetauto community. With the question,What is the car of your dreams and how much does it cost to acquire that car in your country?, in the following publication

Since my youth I have liked this 4x4 car, as I feel it is spacious and all-terrain. I believe that dreams come true, from there great entrepreneurs with their desire and struggles, achieved their dreams and my own is to get to have one. This is a great opportunity to say it.



El carro que escogí para este concurso y al ver nada mas la imagen me agrada. El carro de marca Toyota de modelo Hilux , del año 2011, su color blanco, de cuatro puertas, este el el carro de mi sueño. En la imagen se muestra que es un carro usado,derecho de su vendedor, creo que es lo más económico
Esta valorado en el precio de 18.300$ .En mi país Venezuela el precio del dolar en este domingo 2 de mayo es de( 2.900.823,01), que llevándolo a precio de bolívares venezolanos cuesta aproximadamente millardo de bolívares algo impresionante para el bolsillo del venezolano.

Como esta las cosas en Venezuela, con la alta inflación de los precios, se nos hace difícil reunir, disponer tal cantidad parra adquirir este carro 4x4, Hay que trabajar duro, unos cuantos años, para comprar el carro de mi sueños, como es el Toyota , modelo Hilux, doble cabina. Con el sueldo de un trabajador que es pagado quincenalmente, es decir,,00, es casi imposible comprarlo.

Para comprarlo hay que sujetarse a las leyes de compras así sea usado o nuevo como lo plantea la pagina, es algo increíble estas leyes de compras y pedido.

The car that I chose for this contest and when I saw the image I like it. The car brand Toyota Hilux model, year 2011, white color, four doors, this is the car of my dream. The image shows that it is a used car, right from the seller, I think it is the most economical.
It is valued at the price of $18.300. In my country Venezuela the price of the dollar on this Sunday, May 2 is (2.900.823,01), which taking it to the price of Venezuelan bolivars costs approximately billion bolivars, something impressive for the Venezuelan's pocket.

As things are in Venezuela, with the high inflation of prices, it is difficult for us to gather, to have such an amount to acquire this 4x4 car, I have to work hard, a few years, to buy the car of my dreams, as is the Toyota, Hilux model, double cabin. With the salary of a worker that is paid every two weeks, that is,,000,00, it is almost impossible to buy it.

In order to buy it, it is necessary to abide by the laws of purchases, whether used or new, as stated in the page, these laws of purchases and orders are unbelievable.



Contando un poco de la descripción del carro es blanco, con 4 puesto, con una cabina amplia, su tipo de combustible es la gasolina, asientos cómodos. Aquí en toda Venezuela se hacen cola para comprar gasolina, amanecen, para así salir a realizar las debidas diligencias importantes.

El carro de mi sueños, el carro 4x4, con el podre salir a visitar a sitios que quiero conocer, ir con la familia de compras, ya que la familia crece, es ideal. Y bueno como mi esposo tiene una cría de cerdos, es ideal, para llevar los cerdos a otro lados.

Counting a little of the description of the car is white, with 4 seats, with a wide cabin, its type of fuel is gasoline, comfortable seats. Here in all Venezuela, people queue up to buy gasoline, at dawn, in order to go out to carry out important errands.

The car of my dreams, the 4x4 car, with it I can go out to visit places I want to know, go shopping with the family, as the family grows, it is ideal. And since my husband has a pig farm, it is ideal to take the pigs to other places.</div

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Thank you, @nubra11, for sharing your dream car with us. The Toyota Hilux is a firm favourite of ours, and many years ago, it was the vehicle we spend a lot of time in, as we covered event launches for a supermarket chain here, and the Hilux was the pickup we adventured in. We travelled the length and breadth of the U.K. and even popped over to Belfast and the Isle of Man too - all in a trusty Hilux 😊

Please keep sharing your posts with us - I am excited to see what other cars catch your eye!



Hi, thanks for the comment, I'm touched by the response. It is indeed the car that I like and draws my attention.


What a great choice of dream vehicle. I have loved the Hilux since the 80s N50, N60, N70 variant. My dads friend had one, which he bought brand new in 1987. The car is still going strong now, even with all its miles. Keep up with the interesting car posts, and thanks for the lesson in Spanish!! Its such a beautiful language.
