Nissan D21 pickup | The work car par excellence [ENG-ESP]



It often happens that a car is not taken into account by factors such as brass, engine, displacement, etc... Aesthetic or performance details at the end of the day, but mainly if there is one factor that puts many people off, it is the year of the car.

Muchas veces sucede que un carro no es tomado en cuenta por factores como la latonería, motor, cilindraje, etc... Detalles estéticos o de funcionamiento a fin de cuentas, pero principalmente si hay un factor que echa para atrás a muchos es el año del mismo.

There is a myth that a car is considered "old" when it is at least two to five years old since its launching. And yes, it is perfect to consider it that way, it is no longer a car of the year and therefore it can be called old-fashioned or outdated.

Existe ese mito de que un carro cuando tiene al menos de dos a cinco años pasados desde su lanzamiento es considerado como “viejo”. Y si, es perfecto considerarlo así, ya no es un carro del año y por ende puede llamársele anticuado o pasado de época.

Well, as my grandfather would say, they don't make them anymore. And it is a true case in the automotive world, without going too far a very simple and everyday case would be the last Ford Fiesta, which its 2002 and 2008-2011 models were quite consistent and durable but their new releases from 2015 onwards are not so much.

Bueno, como diría mi abuelo, como los de antes ya no los hacen. Y es un caso verídico en el mundo automovilístico, sin irnos muy lejos un caso muy simple y cotidiano sería el del último Ford Fiesta, que su modelo 2002 y el 2008-2011 eran modelos bastantes consistentes y duraderos pero sus nuevos lanzamientos del 2015 para adelante no lo son tanto.


And it is somewhat contradictory, isn't it supposed that if engineering and technology, in general, has advanced should it be the opposite, well maybe these are mysteries that we will not discover at this time but perhaps one of the answers to that question is that older models are usually built with greater strength and a more rustic and resistant to inconveniences that may occur engine.

Y es que es algo contradictorio, no se supone que si la ingeniería y la tecnología en general ha avanzado ¿Debería ser lo contrario?, bueno quizás son misterios que no descubramos en este momento pero quizás una de las respuestas a esa pregunta es que los modelos antiguos suelen construirse con mayor fortaleza y un motor más rústico y resistente a inconvenientes que puedan suceder.

When we talk about car design I lean more towards Japanese engineering (always respecting limits because I am also a fan of the Europeans), as is the case of brands like Toyota, Honda, and others that have been able to make durable and strong cars especially in the era of 1980-2000.

Cuando hablamos de diseño de carros yo me inclino más por la ingeniería Japonesa (siempre respetando límites porque también soy fan de los Europeos), ya es el caso de marcas como Toyota, Honda y entre otras más que han sabido hacer carros duraderos y fuertes sobretodo en la época de 1980-2000.

And if we talk about a car to work there is a truck recognized at the time for providing a compact engine power and load stability when transporting, and it is no more and no less than the Nissan D21.

Y si se habla de un carro para trabajar hay una camioneta reconocida en su momento por brindar con un motor compacto una potencia y estabilidad de carga a la hora de transportarse, y no es más ni menos que la Nissan D21.


The Nissan D21 or Hardbody was launched in 1987, it is the predecessor of the now known as "Frontier". It was the first pickup model released by Nissan under its brand and not as Datsun, which caused a stir at the time thanks to its rigid chassis and the strength of its cargo box.

La Nissan D21 o Hardbody fue lanzada en 1987, es la antecesora de la hoy conocida como “Frontier”. Fue el primer modelo pickup sacada por Nissan bajo su propia marca y no como Datsun, causó mucho revuelo en aquel entonces gracias a su chasis rígido y su solidez de su caja de cargamento.

Despite its high praise thanks to its rigidity many criticized the simplicity of its design, as its simple cabin and not so elongated bumper. However, Nissan at that time embodied in it one of the most important factors when talking about a car, more than comfort that more than fulfilled what was proposed for her.

A pesar de sus grandes elogios gracias a su rigidez muchos criticaron la simpleza de su diseño, como su cabina sencilla y su parachoques no tan alargado. Sin embargo, Nissan en aquel entonces plasmó en ella uno de los factores más importantes cuando se habla de un carro, más que confort que cumpliera con creces lo que se proponía para ella.

Today is a factor that is sought everywhere, "comfort", but when we talk about a work car we have to look for the autonomy of the same is good, that offers us to take us for long periods at a steady pace and with a good load on top, and certainly the D21 offers that.

Hoy en día es un factor que se busca por todos lados, “confort”, pero cuando hablamos de un carro de trabajo tenemos que buscar que la autonomía del mismo sea buena, que nos ofrezca llevarnos por largos periodos a ritmo constante y con una buena carga encima, y sin duda la D21 ofrece eso.


It is normal to think that this model was a resounding success in all its presentations since its launch and to think that although it is not such an eye-catching car, today it is widely used as a work car because, despite its compact engine, it offers a power that many cars today do not.

Es normal pensar que este modelo fue un éxito rotundo en todas sus presentaciones desde su lanzamiento, y el ponernos a pensar que si bien no es un carro tan vistoso a día de hoy es utilizado bastante como carro de trabajo ya que a pesar de su motor compacto ofrece una potencia que muchos carros de hoy en día no lo hacen.

It has a 4-cylinder 2.4L engine, with a power of 124 HP. It provides a stable autonomy that allows driving with loads of up to 907 KG. A very functional engine that gives confidence when transporting many things in the cabin that require weight to support them, as long as the tires are in a condition to support the cabin.

Posee un motor de 4 cilindros 2.4L , con una potencia de 124 HP. Provee una autonomía estable que permite manejar con cargas de hasta 907 KG. Un motor bastante funcional que da confianza a la hora de transportar bastantes cosas en la cabina que requieran de peso que las soporte, eso siempre que los cauchos se encuentre en una condición que den soporte a la cabina.


My experience with it is that it has been the small work car of the family farm for many years along with a Hilux 98. What I can say is that my grandfather was right, the cars of yesteryear, although they do not have the engineering and technology of today are cars designed more for quality and to provide a long life.

Mi experiencia con ella es que ha sido el carro pequeño de trabajo de la finca familiar por muchos años junto a una Hilux 98. Lo que sí puedo decir es que mi abuelo tenía mucha razón, los carros de antes si bien no cuentan con la ingeniería y tecnología de hoy en día son carros pensados más para la calidad y que otorguen una larga duración.

It is a car that has computer injection, it happens that the car after a long time and mileage rolled had a severe failure in the engine by carelessness, this caused that as a short-term solution was changed in the engine injection to carburetor. I know what you are thinking, carburetor in this day and age? Sounds a little crazy but it worked at least to mitigate the failure at that time and put it to work, after this, it was switched back to Injection to not depend on it working with that system.

Es un carro que posee Inyección por computadora, sucede que el carro después de mucho tiempo y kilometraje rodado tuvo una falla severa en el motor por descuidos, esto causo que como una solución a corto plazo se cambiara en el motor de inyección a carburador. Si ya sé que están pensando ¿Carburador en estas épocas? Suena algo loco pero funcionó por lo menos para atenuar la falla en aquel entonces y ponerla a trabajar, luego de esto se volvió a pasar a Inyección para no depender de que funcionara con ese sistema.



The Nissan D21 is a brutal car, as I said it is the quintessential work car and I do not regret having said it. If you are looking for a simple, comfortable, and reliable car that can last you in the long run without a doubt the Nissan D21 is the option.

La Nissan D21 es un carro brutal, como dije es el carro de trabajo por excelencia y no me arrepiento de haberlo dicho. Si estás buscando un carro simple, cómodo y confiable que te pueda durar a largo plazo sin duda la Nissan D21 es la opción.

It is the perfect definition of autonomy and Japanese engineering represented through simplicity and power. If I could compare it to an animal it would be the living example of a donkey-worker.

Es la definición perfecta de autonomía e ingeniería japonesa representada a través de la sencillez y potencia. Si pudiera compararla con un animal sería el vivo ejemplo de un burro de carga.

I quite enjoyed reviewing this magnificent car for this community. Soon I will bring more reviews of my own cars that I have had the opportunity to test. Best regards and see you next time.

Disfruté bastante haciendo la reseña de este magnífico carro para esta comunidad. Pronto traeré más reseñas propias de carros de mí día a día que he tenido la oportunidad de probar. Un saludo y nos vemos en la próxima.

All photos used are my property


Todas las fotos usadas son de mi propiedad


I wish we had more cars like they made them before 😁
Old cars just has such charm and character. And this Nissan D21 pickup is amazing 😍 reminds me of the Nissan King cab that I wish I still had, it was a Great pickup to load things on and it was fun to drive 😜 lol



I know.. Cool effects right? 😁

They are cool cars and thank for sharing this my friend and making me smile 😊 and remember my times with my Nissan.

Happy thursday 🤗❤️


Wow, that effect looks amazing !!!! The Nissan King Cab was another great cargo truck, performance, and reliability. Thank you so much for your comment and those nice pictures with that amazing effect @saffisara . The idea was to remember these great cars. Cheers and have a nice thursday 🤗.


Nice machine @saffisara - capable as they come, look the part and strong as an ox, thank you -crazy edits too


Thank you :)
Good to see you again. I really liked this post, and I fully agree, they don’t make cars like this anymore. Older cars have character, soul, reliability, noise, I could go on. I agree that Japanese engineering is amazing. I look forward to seeing you reviewing your own carat
Oh my daughter has a little model Of this pickup :) cheers


Nice to see you in my post bro ! @mattsbeamer. Nowadays you see many old models from 30 years ago rolling perfectly, that shows their quality.

Funny, this pickup is a tremendous car, battle on any occasion. So your daughter has a great car for quite a few years. It's always good to see you around, keep being cool and I always love to contribute to the community. I'll bring have my car review soon hahaha. Cheers bro


Proper pickup, love it @gabrielserra good to see you've met @mattsbeamer


Thank you so much @planetauto community!!! Yes, I met him thanks to the first time I posted in the community and met thanks to your dream car contest, amazing Mercedes AMG-GT photos. Pretty cool mode and autorator, like the whole community itself. Cheers and always happy to contribute to the community.
