Hive - My Christmas Cash Cow

It took me a very long while to accumulate over 1000HP. As my earnings on Hive dropped early this year, so did my enthusiasm. It took me a very long time but I found a niche that I enjoyed but the work surrounding it became cumbersome.
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I was told that delving into a new skill would be costly but I had no idea it would cost me this much. While learning Product Designing, I've found myself spending a lot more on data subscriptions than I would have hoped and still not earned that fantastic job I'd believed I would have by now.

I've given up so many times this year and just focused on living because of how hard it all got. Prior to this year, I had never properly applied for a job but this year, I applied for at least 100 and got 100 rejections.

Imagine what that does to a person's psyche.

In all these, Hive has been that cash cow that I look back on and feel a sense of comfort knowing that at least I can survive a few more days while I hustle to get better and get that job I really want.

2022 has been a truly terrible year for crypto and we all can't deny it. The FTX crisis has brought a lot of distrust into the industry that I have so many fears. These fears aren't about the future but about what it's all doing to my present.

During the period of his court case, I realized that Hive dropped below 0.3 but after that passed it got back to its usual position. My finances can't deal with such situations. It's already bad enough as it is.

I'm back to job hunting and constantly working on my portfolio. Wish me luck as always.

Thanks for reading

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good luck with the job search! 👍🏻 Hope the new year will bring new opportunities.


It's been quite a year. Always some good and some bad in each one. Good luck in achieving all your goals and let's hope 2023 brings us all many good things! :)


Good luck! Around here we are the opposite but maybe not the types of jobs you are looking for. We can't get enough workers and people aren't even applying for jobs that pay less than $20/hr. It's crazy. I guess being in 5 months of winter a year doesn't help either.

I hope things get better for you this year.
