The bank takes an ace out of its sleeve, and presents us with the predictions of the enlightened Tom Fitzpatrick and his blue crystal ball


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On the morning of November 16, all the staff of the CitiBank financial institution and the NewYork press waited with some concern in the auditorium of the bank's headquarters for the man of the predictions, the enlightened of the city of NewYork Tom Fitzpatrick, the man with the blue crystal ball, there he would demonstrate his talent as a clairvoyant, an expert in tarot and numerology.

The space was packed with people interested in the subject and decorated in an exoteric way, a blue light bathed the room where the details of the finances for the year that is to come would be revealed. In the enclosure I could feel enigmatic energy coming from the cosmic rays of the banking universe, another peculiar fact was the penetrating smell of cloves and cinnamon and fiat money and centralized decisions ... Fortunately I could choose a seat where I would see the enlightened person entering a trance together to his blue crystal ball.

The arrival of the enlightened Tom Fitzpatrick to the venue was as expected, the man arrived dressed in a white suit and with his hair well greased, the silence of those present was generating a sensation of floating in the air, already in front of the blue ball Tom Fitzpatrick would give the first readings of the data that the ball would throw.
The grave and mysterious echo of the voice of the enlightened man bounced off the walls of the venue every time he addressed the public, when suddenly, daringly and against all odds, his face lit up as he gave the bombshell news of the day: “ Bitcoin will exceed $ 318,000 by the end of 2021 ”, the audience collapsed, the news even surpassed even the most Bitcoin enthusiasts, among those enthusiasts I am myself.

The dawn of the next day was present, I got up early and remembered the bomb news, accompanied by a morning coffee, and with the first rays of the sun illuminating Professor Saiferdan Ammous's book "The Bitcoin Pattern", I reflected much of the morning on the news of the enlightened Tom Fitzpatrick.

  • The truth is that it is an interesting opinion of the enlightened one, Bitcoin has reached a market capitalization of half a trillion dollars, that is to say, 500 thousand trillion dollars, once it reaches the trillion it will capture the attention of many more people -

Between sips of coffee and my faithful dog Satoshi, I kept thinking about what we have seen throughout 2020, it is not a mystery to anyone that more and more companies have launched to invest part of their capital in Bitcoin.

Continuing with the reflection, there is no way of not mentioning that so far this year the money supply in dollars has increased drastically and very significantly on the planet that has led to a series of crises, we could talk about the pandemic that has allowed the money supply according to economic studies to rise by 21% giving rise to an unimaginable economic inequality, we have witnessed it in 2020, while quantitative easing and the economic stimulus of the Federal Reserve have increased the price of the assets that the wealthy owned, the money issued has reached the population in the form of crumbs, leading to global discontent and an increase in economic inequalities between the wealthy classes and the most disadvantaged classes as a result of the currency issued from the Reserve Federal and its centralized policies.

Less and fewer goods can be bought with the savings we have, the monetary reality is collapsing in the United States at an unimaginable speed, the country has problems with economic activity and jobs, generating unemployment and leading to poverty in the country, is the never-ending story, the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer. The only logical alternative for those who do not have savings is to borrow more and more, it seems that we are in a situation that has changed the world ...

… By this time of my reflections, I realized that I had to make another coffee and go for a walk with my dog ​​Satoshi and calmly wait for the upcoming changes that 2021 will present.

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