RE: Metaverse: The Replacement For The Nation-State


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Michael Saylor often states that dematerializing things makes them cheaper and more efficient. Like your example of music. We used to have to buy physical copies of music. Now, we can pay a subscription and have access to millions of songs any time we want. His idea is that money has been dematerialized and is now Bitcoin.

Taking this further, along with your ideas on the Metaverse, it would make sense that even government can be dematerialized. All government is essentially the codification of rules and administrative processes that could be coded into a code of conduct for the metaverse.

We could gamify society such as the metaverse would have rules of conduct coded in. We could have elected people serve as witnesses, kind of like oracles on blockchain. They would have to verify that an infraction has occurred. People who don't follow the rules could have other "players" dispatched to arrest. Jurisdiction for law enforcement would not be limited to geographic areas if we are all in the same Metaverse.

We could have jury duty professionalized where jurors are paid for their service like Uber drivers. Voire dire could call up their juror stats like you pick players for a team. There really is no need to bring in a bunch of numpties every week to have lawyers ask a bunch of questions to eliminate the majority from jury duty. Instead, you call up their stats on the type of case you are trying. Each counsel picks half. Boom. You save time on finding a jury and on explaining how jury duty works, because the jurors are pros.

I could see health care being gamified like Lemonade Tycoon. You could have real-time stats on the performance of a clinic or hospital. Too much wait time, lose customers. Too little staff, lose customers. Too much staff, lose money. Bad practices, lose money. Health care has little connection between the quality of care and when they get paid. If they could see their revenues go down in real time, they would jump on the problem.

Same thing for municipalities. If they could see in real time how much tax revenue they are losing, they would make fewer bonehead decisions, or reverse course quickly on a bad decision.

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