Software Transforms Business Activities


SaaS companies have been one of the hottest sectors during the last 15 years.

Software as a Service has changed the way customers pay for software

BL Stock Chart

Blackline (BL) Accounting SaaS company.

Accounting software is necessary to cut costs, reduce errors and help managers easily close the books every month

SaaS is a win for the software business and a win for customers. The business generates revenue every month as long as the customer uses the software. It can also be difficult and time consuming for customers to switch services. Customers benefit by paying over time instead of large upfront bills. Since most of the SaaS is cloud based, customers can save money by not requiring expensive hardware.

"In the last 5 years, if you had invested in Public Comps SaaS Index, you’d be up 3.3x with a ~27% IRR and perform better than the S&P of 10% IRR since 10/22/2014" source:

Blackline software is changing the way accounting firms operate. The software automates the painful and time-consuming parts and was designed by accountants for accountants. The software integrates with Oracle, SAP and 30 other enterprise resource planning systems helping accountants analyse millions of lines of general ledger transactions and automate internal controls. This helps accountants close books faster and cheaper.

Accounting is only becoming more complex. Anything that makes the process easier will be a win for years to come. Check out Blackline (BL) today.

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Disclosure: I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. The information provided should NOT be considered advice. The topics discussed are risky and have the potential to lose a substantial amount. I am not an investment professional and therefore do not offer individual financial advice. Please do your own research before investing.

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