RE: Zero Friction: perpetual-motion machines are quite valuable.


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Interesting post, especially this:

Many people who don't know any better ask why we don't just get rid of the fees. Why do we need resource credits at all? Why does Bitcoin need to charge $50 for one transaction? The answer lies in the inefficiency of distributed ledger technology.

Vitalic Buterin said this too. POW is the best solution mathematically, but the worst solution considering energy consumption, when looked at only by a comparative lens looking at other modes of consensus, not other industries or energy consuming economic sectors.

It’s a cool post but this sticks out because you propose no solution.

Devs are always wondering how they are going to get paid for their work, and they wrongfully build a dapp and then take money off the top for themselves. Yeah, that's not a dapp. You obviously control the entire thing because money is going directly into your own pocket. Try again. That's a fail.

How would you fix this?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Most projects sidestep the need to scrape off the top by premining the token.
But there are much better ways to go about it as well.

On a certain level it's a "problem" that doesn't need to be fixed.
Many devs will work for free and build cool shit just because they want to and they are already millionaires.

Another way is to try monetizing reputation. Whoever builds the coolest stuff gets rewarded within the community. That's why Hive is interesting because we are already doing this sort of. We do this with upvotes and the dev fund.

It's also possible to make money within a system that you've built because you are running arbitrage bots and know more about the system you've built than anyone else. There are a lot of options.


"It's also possible to make money within a system that you've built because you are running arbitrage bots and know more about the system you've built than anyone else."
I hope nobody thinks "future career opportunity" when they hear that. Yuck! Professional digital leech?


Hm yeah exactly. This is the disconnect between corporate programmers and open-source programmers. Corporate programmers need to capture value and worry about business models while open-source programmers can do whatever they want. Inevitably the bills come due, which is why crypto monetizing open source work is a miracle.
