Crypto Radicalism




Wait a minute, don't look puzzled or confused, this is just a phrase I coined out for after brainstorming about the insane things we have done in the cryptosphere, and the many things that is happening on the chain. You and I have come across different scenarios on the Blockchain-cryptospace that billions of people(no-coiners) are still oblivious about out there. You might have come across the crazy bad folks or the good guys, just like I have, and that i am sure of. The radicalism I am talking about isn't like that of religion or political fanaticism, its the believers who are on these crypto platforms and several other social media out there you might have used one time or another. I think I’m one of those radicals, depending on who is asking.

From political standpoints, radicalism is the beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform. Now, substitute the politics with cryptocurrency, that's what Crypto radicals are and being a maximalist is closely related to it just that it's some sort of obsession with a token a particular individual is holding a huge chunk of it. In essence, you must love and advocate for the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies generally and not just a few you are involved with(maximalism), upholding the greater goods it does for the society, country at large.

Fact is, it could come at a price, a lot of people who do not understand crypto might call you crazy. I have been called that a few times years back, but now I seems people now seek information about crypto and its benefits like their lives depended on it. It doesn't mean you disregard people who don't understand it, or disrespect them when they seek knowledge. The whole essence of being early adopters is to guide and orientate the world out there with the many good things that could happen when they immerse themselves in the amazing disruptive power of the blockchain technology.

Ignore the hates and hostilities of maximalists, people can't share same sentiments about the same project nor can they all unanimously invest in the same thing. The task is creating awareness and not brewing conflicts and mischiefs like you would see BSV holders cursing BTC faithfuls. The drama is unending but the benefits could be truncated if you give out negative energies and mislead new crypto users!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ignore the hates and hostilities of maximalists

Maximalism is not about hate. That's hard to see when the most common maximalists are Bitcoin maximalists, who really do seem to just irrationally hate every crypto that is not Bitcoin.

Maximalism is simply a logical consequence of Metcalfe's Law.

Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2)

The above has profound consequences for any business based upon a network system. The value of 1000 users on 1 platform is 4 times the value of 500 users, and twice the value of 2 networks each with 500 users.

Every new user adds more value by joining a larger network than they do to a smaller one because it creates a larger number of new connections (in crypto land, new opportunities for economic activity).

Diversification is still important, because although I might bet on Hive, I do not know that among the hundreds of crypto networks it will be the one that emerges on top. What I do know is that eventually - only one crypto will be dominant. Network based businesses typically end up in a 80 - 15 - 5 style distribution of market share due to this law.

The only way crypto will avoid this is if there is a shared cross chain protocol AND a shared unit of account. Some people work on the former, but there's nothing of the latter outside of centralized stablecoins (which defeat the whole purpose).


Oh yes, this is highly illustrative. I know Maximalism shouldn't be about hate but that's not what is happening with mostly Bitcoin Maximalist and other tokens/projects I have seen(EOS, BSV etc). Though the stupidity of a few shouldn't dictate for others. However: I don't hate any project, and I'll love to be in the 80% market distribution(lol). Its great to read your comment @demotruk
