There are no problems until there is a problem.


Don't create your own issues.


I like to think that i have a nice calm and relaxed demeanor. I don't panic and try to think my way around problems as they arise.

It's a good quality to have as a manager when you are constantly fire fighting in the job. Cool heads and thinking forward got me through the days with very little stress.

I have worked with a lot of different people and personalities over the years and the worst ones that i had to work with were the ones who panicked. They spent so much time worrying about what problems could come up that they ended up with a lot of problems of their own making.

I was doing my year end appraisal one time with the regional manager and he was a bit of a dick. Always has been and one of those who only saw problems instead of looking for success. I never saw eye to eye with him and kept all meetings to the minimum. Very little interaction, no emotion and no friendliness. Very straight and matter of fact replies. I did my job and hit my targets so he could have gotten a lot more from me with the right attitude.

He said in a negative tine that,
"Niall. You never react or get excited. I bet if the building went on fire I wouldn't even get a reaction from you."

As usual I just looked at him and straight faced went.
"John, if the building went on fire. I would get some water and put it out. Running around like an idiot yelling FIRE, FIRE at the top of my lungs isn't going to solve much now is it?"

A bit cheeky. Yes but we have years of history at this stage and I refuse to put up with his shit after working in the district for so many years.

He was just on of those people who created problems. The best weeks that we had were when he was out on holidays. No visits, no phone calls, no stupid issues. We could just do our jobs and go home. He wasted so much of our time over stupid issues that we lost time for doing what we should be working on and this created real issues. Then he would come in, find issues and get thick over them repeating the cycle.

Creating problems where there were no problems.

The majority of problems that you imagine happening never will. Or won't be half as bad as you imagine them to be.

It's in our nature to imagine the worst case scenarios but they rarely work out that way. Every minute spent thinking of possible future outcomes is time wasted.

Instead you could spend that time taking some preemptive actions and lower the chances even further.

Simple steps to get ahead of these problems will prevent most of them from ever happening with time and energy saved.

Planning and common sense cannot be rated highly enough and found even more rarely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I can see your boss was trying to condone his salary. Even if the place is perfect they have to pick out something negative. I think alot of people that made it to the top are dicks and some are nasty which is a reason why I switched careers. Sometimes I think in retail especially the wrong people get to the high positions. It doesn't happen in industries like accounting or professional services because it is more black and white whereas retail can be subjective.


ps I can picture you calmly filling up a bucket and a fire raging behind you!!🤣


I can see your boss was trying to condone his salary. Even if the place is perfect they have to pick out something negative.

There was a lot of that around alright. Being involved for the sake of looking like he needed to be there.

A lot of the time the best workers got shafted as they ended up doing more and because they did it without making a fuss they got overlooked for the louder more useless people when it came to promotions.

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I have to agree and I don't see any point in making things a major issue until they are a problem. There are already so many things you can do and be worried about every single outcome isn't really going to help you that much. It's better to expect the best be but prepared for the worst.

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It's better to expect the best be but prepared for the worst.

That's how the old saying goes and makes perfect sense.

Creating problems doesn't help anybody and only makes everything a lot worse over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Im with you Niall. I feel i have that quality as well. Cant control all outcomes, and every situation isnt worth stressing about completely.




Just get on with it. Then when a problem comes up you deal with it and move on to the next thing. No need for a major panick.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yeah, I hate that kind of person/co-worker, :(

I like and subscribe to your 'take action' way much more. why waste time and emotion on something..

right on.


Very relatable article I must say . The fact is , problems don’t ever get to stop occurring , so why worry over the next ?!
