Splinterlands share your battle. Dragons.



Dragons. Kings of the splinterlands.

Back to splinterlands basics.

Dragons, the best splinter with the best cards. It's always my favorite splinter when not on a quest especially using "Drake", with +1 shield.

It's a great summoner to use in almost all battels and has a great win rate for me since it opens up so many extra cards in a battle on top of the main splinter cards.

It has so many great cards that I love to use them as much as possible.

The Battle.

The ruleset for this battle was:

Close ranged.
Keep your distance.

Link to the battle:

Starting line-up


With this ruleset you would expect a lot of magic and a little bit of ranged attack. My opponent though the same but made one very silly mistake that probably cost them the match.

They had the right card as a tank which would have caused me a lot of trouble but then the also put a card with attract in the last position which has no defense against my attacks and took them all in the first round.

First kill..


This led to the first kill and at 9 mana was a big loss to their team. I had set up to defend magic as well with a minus one magic from my phantom soldier and two reflect monsters in position one and two.

This helped me a lot while i had two strong ranged monsters at the back of my line up. I expected a zero mana tank and my grim reaper does double damage to any of these cards and worked to my advantage.

Round three.


By round three I was confident of the win after taking out two of their monsters and only losing one of mine.

I had also done a lot of damage to their whole team by now while i had a lot of health left in mine.

It might have been different if they had not played the wrong monster in back field but it's hard to know for sure.

Finishing line-up.


It finished up the only way that it could have. I had four monsters left standing so it was a comfortable win and despite my opponent going all in with magic I had set strong enough defense based on the ruleset and stood strong against their attack.

They made a huge mistake in the starting line up and it's not good enough at this level. There are two many good players to get away with it and hopefully they learn for the next time.

I was happy with the win and dragons splinter comes through as usual.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Link to the game here,


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The dragons cards are seriously strong but I tend to just use Daria and Byzantine Kitty as my summoners. It kind of surprises me to see how high level fights are because there are so many abilities being used.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Interesting. I haven't considered Drake as a very powerful summoner. But I guess it can be because its main benefit is not the +1 armor, it's unlocking the dragon splinter cards.


He works well with any of the splinters as his ability adds to every cards.
Plus the dragons part is very handy. Some of the best cards are dragon based.

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