It's important to like what you do.


I'm here because I want to be here.


I have seen this time and time again as a manager. People who don't want to be in the position that they are in. It shows in every movement and interaction that you have with them on a daily basis.

They show up for a variety of reasons usually monetary but they don't want to be there. The work is sloppy and there are always issues.

There is nothing better as a manager than people who want to be there and enjoy what they do. They take satisfaction from doing a good job and try to help and improve the overall experience.

he same goes for each of these people. When i enjoy my work i do a much better job. I take pride in what i create and how i create it.

Hive is my job at the moment and i take pride in being part of the eco-system.

I enjoy turning up every day.

I challenge myself to grow my account and accomplish more every single month.

I had grown tired in my old job and the pride was gone. The effort was gone and the standards had dropped. It happens when there is no enjoyment in what you do.

This came form the culture at work and it sets the tone for the whole team. The culture had turned negative and this had a knock on effect to everybody.

Culture is key to enjoyment.

Culture is built from the top down.

When STEEM was coming to the ends of it's days the culture was poor. It showed in user behavior and witness efforts. People were mostly left there for monetary reasons rather than wanting to be there.

The split to Hive reinvigorated those same users and changed the culture. Suddenly people were excited again.

The top of the chain was now active and proactive. It inspired more people to do the same and wiped out a lot of bad actors and bad practices.

It kickstarted a lot of new projects as the whole community wanted the same goal. Success for the eco-system.

Victory for the small guys. It took a big event to change the culture but it was all for the better.

It made this a better place to be and gave it a positive atmosphere where we once just saw misery.

That is a reason to enjoy yourself as you go.

I know that i do.

This is more than a job.
It's a passion and a project.

It's why i keep coming back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Agree with the sentiment. It has always been pretty amazing to me that Hive, while being trustless in nature, has established a set of community standards that most people follow.


I have to agree. I see a lot of people just stop showing up after a while but come back later when prices go up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Absolutely. Hell, there isn't really any such thing as job security anymore, so yo might as well do something you love.
