RE: Why People Refusing To Work Is Actually A Good Thing


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The deal breaks down as such:

People are making more money on unemployment because the businesses do not play squat. It is really that simple.

Yes, Yes, Yes. Finally someone gets it. This is unfortunately a big problem with the right. The trumpers and the whoever elsers. They are the first people to scream oh its socialism.. see what happens people wont work they'll just sit down. Let me give you all another way to look at it. Let's look at it like its not socialism but it is fascism and it is corporatism and it is the governments buddied up with the companies and they are using government power and laws and propaganda to keep people poor and sickly.

Instead of looking at it like oh its socialism let's look at it like that for starters. Yes, maybe the reason people aren't going back to work is suggesting that the companies should be ashamed of themselves for paying people that little money and expecting them to just take it. No that lie about minimum wage stops job creation. That's another lie the right tells far too much. if they get tired of robbing people and giving it to their shareholders guess what someone else who doesn't rob people or take advantage of people will fill in the gaps. So they can stop all that lobbyist bs second.

Third, this is a a chance for the cryptocurrency space to find their use case and address problems like these. We don't need new businesses on teh blockchain. We need new systems . new monetary systems that help to combat this problem. I've started one bitcoin myk and bbd coin and we get alot of vocal support . where is the physical support huh? It's time we started specifically addressing this not going in circles pointing it out is great.

However we need to do something with the chain that specifically can address that. We got ample opportunity and we got ample money and resources so lets do something about that. The good news is most people are going to tire of this nonsense. They will tire and they going to stop the far right lies. THey going to take action against all the propaganda and debunk it . .It's not a question of if but when.

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