RE: Beyond the Coinstar machine: Pirate Plunder Log for the first Quarter of 2020

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The majority of the coins come from Compass Bus Fare machines and the coins are left behind by passengers who may be in a hurry to catch their bus or train, don't gather all their entitled change from payment.
The Ticket/coin return tray is located fairly low on the machine and one would have to negotiate around a plastic flap to access the contents. Not a very ergonomically designed.
If their hands are cold they may not be able to clear all the coins in the ticket/coin return tray.
Another reason is the passenger decides it's not worth risking contracting a germ or virus just to pickup a nickel, dime, or even quarter where everyone's hands have already been. (I carry a hand sanitizer.)

I've have found normal coins that have been rejected by the Coinstar Machine.
The reason why the Machine rejects them is unknown to me since I don't know what the sorting process is used and it's difficult to find that information.
I know machines are tuned to a Country's currency profile.
It would have to be at least sorted by size and weight together.
So, our Canadian machines often reject US and foreign coins hence where I get most of my foreign coin collection.

Happy Hunting @ronaldoavelino
