My financial goals for 2021| Rubberducking


Well, there it is the financial goals of 2021. At first I wanted to ignore this post and just leave because I don’t want to think that far ahead already. But reading this awesome Muppetpost by @riverflows made me to want into the game as well. Not really because I want to talk that much about finance, but more because writing is more like rubberducking


What the hell do small animals used in bath have to do with all of this in crypto? Awesome question there, but it is not about a rubber duck but what about the term rubberducking is. Wikipedia explains:

In software engineering, rubber duck debugging is a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many other terms exist for this technique, often involving different (usually) inanimate objects, or pets such as a dog or a cat. Desk check your code is the original term for this technique.

In other words, when you try to explain something to a dog, cat, goldfish or rubberducky this means you have to spell it out yourself that much that maybe you will even get some clarity from that.

So financial goals of 2021 @theycallmedan was asking about. A good question for us all to think about now this bull run has started and the sky will seem the limit. Because it is all a matter of when the fear and the greed takes over and the matter of how high you think it all will go, and what is a realistic view in this as well.


I guess this is the whole issue on what you think your financial goals are. I still have a job in the hospital that pays the bills and is fulfilling as well mentally. Think about Maslows triangle here, when you have a roof above your head, and food on the plate, then comes if you fill useful and if you do a meaningful way of filling your days) I wouldn’t want to ditch this because this also has a lot to do with social contacts.

And honestly, working in a hospital makes you humble. Even though sometimes it sucks. It really makes you humble.

But this means my financial goals will not be becoming a millionaire in 2021. We have to be realistic. The day job will continue and the crypto will be the side hussle as it has been over the last couple of years.

I see the rise of the king of crypto. I see the rise starting of the alts. I see HIVE lagging. I let it all happen. I feel comfortable in writing as often as I can. Maybe HIVE is my rubber ducky, who knows? Yes I make a buck with it, yes I sell some of it for other crypto. Is this a lot? Not really..

Does it mean that I don’t believe in HIVE? No, that also isn’t the case. I do! But I also believe in other stuff as well. Or better said, want to try other stuff to see how I like it. If you like coffee, it doesn’t mean you can try some tea as well to see what it brings you.


So the amounts of the stuff that I own are not really to write home about. But the cool thing is that they were all made by blogging. Here, on steem, on blurt, on whaleshares. Where ever. And these ones will start paying out now. And my goal is not to save them for something, because the normal bills would pay for that.

But mentally it would be some awesome to make the same amount as the cost of a house. But that is centuries away and an awesome dream haha. Yes that is true, but you have to continue to dream. Maybe that is the gist of these financial goals. The virtualization of dreaming in a digital way.

I don’t want to work towards a goal, because in crypto the reality is that dreams don’t always work. And that those couple of Sats which you are still away from your goal will eventually be the ones to wreck you when the greed has taken over. So I don’t like towards a goal in crypto. Whenever it feels right, I will do something with it. Maybe it will be the right moment, maybe it will not.

But at least it will be made with mostly blogging. And that is a cool story to tell!

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