The Portability Triad, Part 1: What Is The Portability Triad?



I have always considered myself an individualist, who strives to be sovereign, and not subject to the capricious whims of others. Over the course of my life I have experienced various successes and failures during my journey to achieve such a lofty goal, but have learned enough to articulate my opinion regarding the matter. I am still not as sovereign as I'd like to be, and at the same time, I am far more so than the average person. This goal consumes much of my mental bandwidth on a daily basis.

The concepts described in this article are derived from my personal experience and study, and I encourage the reader to develop their own opinions in regard to the topics presented.

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Change Yourself Instead Of Trying To Change The World

While everyone else is entertaining themselves watching the world burn, what are you doing? Are you busy showing strangers you care by virtue signaling? Are you busy calling out for larger and larger government regulations to save you from innate human stupidity? Are you wasting your time concentrating on things outside of your control, and solidifying your hapless victim to the whims of others status?

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Photo by StockSnap--894430

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More Choices Equals More Freedom

Perhaps instead you should be exploring ways to give yourself more choices, or better yet, stop participating altogether. If you believe the city you live in is going to shit, give yourself the option of relocating yourself and your family, instead of appealing to an authority to fix things for you, because they never will. This will require a fundamental change in your thinking, and you must assume ownership over your life and situation. For many people who simply wish to drone on through life, this is a tall order.

One of my favorite proponents of this way of thinking is Jason Stapleton, who has an excellent podcast discussing these topics. [You Can Listen Here]. As with any individual human, I don't agree with everything he says, and neither should you, but his fundamental message of personal ownership and accountability is spot on.

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Be Free

Achieving personal freedom allows you to be an active participant in choosing your living environment and lifestyle. If your living, working, or political conditions become too toxic, you simply pick up and move. An example of this was when Venezuela descended into chaos, 2.3 million wealthy Venezuelans fled to more stable places such as Spain. [src] It was the portability of their wealth that allowed them to do this. When a person decides to become an independent digital nomad, it is the portability of both their skills and income that enable this choice. MBO Partners estimated in 2018 there were 4.8 million digital nomads, with another 17 million people aspiring to be. [src]

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The Portability Triad

The best way to ensure your individual freedom in my opinion is to create and enforce what I refer to as the portability triad. I created this triad as an overarching concept, but the components are well known. The Portability Triad includes the act of a person obtaining portable skills, leading them to portable income, and the accumulation of portable wealth. When I mention portability, I am not only referring to how easy it is to take it with you anywhere, but also the degree to which choices are enabled or restricted.

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If we visualize the concept of the portability triad, we can see that both income and wealth are both balanced upon what I feel is the most important component, portable skills.The Portability Triad.png

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The Implications Of Cryptocurrency And Blockchain

If you are reading through this thinking the cryptocurrency and blockchain space was tailor made to create mind boggling opportunities for all aspects of achieving the portability triad, you couldn't be more correct. Viewed through the lens of portability, the cryptocurrency space blows the doors of opportunity wide open. Precisely at this moment, I am posting content on the #HIVE blockchain via LeoFinance. I am applying a portable skill (writing), possibly making some portable income (rewards), and creating some portable wealth (staking). What an amazing time to be alive!

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What the Portability Triad does not represent are the aspects of life that anchor you to a situation and remove choice, both of what I consider positive and negative anchors. A positive anchor could be the need to care for a sick relative, while an example of a negative anchor could be saddling yourself with debt. While life anchors are an important consideration for making choices, they are outside the scope of this series and deserve individual attention. In the next post dive we’ll dive into Portable Skills, the foundation on which personal freedom and independence is built.

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Thanks for reading! Do you agree that the portability triad or similar concepts are the only solution to societal problems that you have direct control over? In the current global and political climate, are you now more or less inclined to appeal to the authority of others (politicians, governments, etc.)?


Courtesy of @thepeakstudio

Posted Using LeoFinance


I think a whole lot of people are static where they are, unwilling to leave despite the harsh or shitty conditions which they're living in. Truth is, this is because people aren't exposed to opportunities that might let them move and still maintain their Jobs, but like you said the world is changing, becoming flexible more better and prospectful.


It's changing for sure. Even now, I just directly rewarded someone in Nigeria for commenting on a blog post. How could I have done this just 5 years ago? :-)


Yeah, the prospect is amazing and you did without the limit of bank account, country code or even any restrictions. It means we can do alot these days the flexibility is astonishing.


For the changes to be effective and evident in the world, the change need to start from you making the change. Change yourself first, work on yourself first then you can face the world.

Solid read


Thanks, glad you found it relevant!


Great thoughts. I’m just a couple of days into this and can’t figure out how to add a like or reward, hoping this comment leaves a trail I can come back to later when I figure it out :)


There's a learning curve, but hang in there, you'll get the hang of it! Welcome to HIVE!


More Choices Equals More Freedom

That's absolutely true, its good that you choose a career but its even better if you have a passion which can become a career going forward.


Thanks, if you are passionate about what you are doing, all the better!


In your post here @joshman, while not stated in this way, I read of the strengths that defined America in its founding and early history. The value and powerful influence of self determination and the rugged individualism that was once a hallmark of much of this country's view of our personal life and the responsibilities which came with it.

As a result, some have referred to America as a "City upon a Hill" that served as a beacon to the rest of the world ...

How much of that America exists today, in what some might call a "remnant" of the people still holding to this view or something similar philosophically? While I do not have any way of knowing, I think we can both agree the prevailing "noise" from the constant drone of the news, social media, etc. is "at war" with this philosophy of life. And that those of our countrymen (I would like to think you are "hearing" from one of them now ...) who are trying to "hold the line" against it are in the minority.

A shrinking minority? Again, I have no way of knowing ...


If the 2016 election was a referendum against the vocal minority, the 2020 election should be interesting as well. I have no way of knowing either, but I think the ones making all the noise are actually the minority, they are just louder, more organized, and more present on social media.


I agree totally in the way the world is handling the people to try and make us like robots the best way to keep your freedom and sanity and not be controlled by useless governments and politicians is to do things in your own control and cryptocurrency is one way to go interesting read. Thanks for sharing 👍


You're welcome. Thanks for your comments and the follow!


Your most welcome @joshman a very interesting article enjoying reading the concept 👍
