Left-Wing Chronicles: Big Tech Misogyny


It's a cleanup day!

I mopped the floor and everything!
I'm an adult.

Now I'm working on organizing my dreaded pictures folder that I use for blogging. I've had dozens of pics in there clogging it up in order to write this here post. I wanted to write this post months ago but I was like, "You know what? I need some examples," so for the past couple of months I've been stacking them up, and now it's time to dump them all and throw them into the ol' archive there.


So to kick this off let's just acknowledge that it's really no secret how poorly women get treated in certain industries. Or maybe it totally is a secret to many, as this does very much happen to be a left vs right issue in many circumstances. Many on the right will deny or downplay what is actually going on while the left has a tendency to fishtail into the other direction. Classic politics.

But for the most part women tend to get pushed out of certain fields, especially the sciences and technology. Culturally, that just seems to be the way it is. It's the good ol' boys club in the flesh.


There's also the opposite side of this equation that's just as bad as well. Like the constant overwhelming simping we see within video games and social media. I can't tell you how many times I saw someone get free stuff in a video game simply because they claimed to be a girl. Wild stuff. And then if we take a look at crypto Twitter 90% of the fake bot accounts portray attractive women in the bio. It's done this way because it has success.


The delusion of incels (involuntary celibate) has no limits. Again, I've seen dozens of examples of crypto users on Twitter thinking that getting rich is the key to a attracting women, or even more crazy stuff like the above meme. Like, really? Many would try to claim that it's just a joke. Ah, maybe it's like a half-joke. But the serious half is the real joke, you know what I mean?

There's a pattern here.

A lot of these memes could be taken out of context or "just kidding"... but when you stack them all up one after another the pattern is pretty hard to ignore. This is how the entire situation is downplayed by many. "No big deal it was just a joke". Hm yes well after a thousand jokes all with the same theme and narrative it gets a bit suspect.


Again this one isn't really offensive or inherently misogynist, just more of that incel delusion I was talking about. Make it rich in Bitcoin and you'll get all the womens! Like, really? It's just hilarious because the entire point of crypto is to give everyone a fair shot... RIGHT? So if we give everyone a fair shot and empower the entire world why would a girl be dependent on you for money? Wouldn't they also be crypto rich? It just shows the seedy underbelly of the entire narrative. It's hypocritical. Oh yes Bitcoin is going to save the world but also I want all the women I meet to be financially dependent on me. Make it make sense please. Logic bomb go boom.


Remember Caroline from FTX?

Yeah, she wasn't hot enough so fuck her amirite? Or wait no don't fuck her she's ugly and she scammed us! Yeah! There were so many of these during the FTX scandal. So so many. You ready for more?



Okay then.
So funny.
Gut busting.


Okay fine that one is kinda funny but still give it a rest fellas.


FTX was peak anger after all.

The Crypto community was enraged and there were all kinds of zingers floating around. But what I'd like to point out is that a lot of that hate and childishness didn't just pop up out of nowhere: it's constantly lingering under the surface; waiting for a socially acceptable moment to pop up and give everyone a laugh (or not).

lol I have so many more memes...

It's like current events but in reverse.
Looks like I started stacking these memes back in December.
Let's move on to the next one!


Women are not allowed to age!

Ew gross a woman that used to be 20 is now 60? Yuck! This leads to all kinds of crazy behavior in places like LA and Hollywood as well. I guess this is a good time to skip down to the Madonna ones.


Madonna was born in 1958, fam.

Sorry the 64 year old isn't up to your fuckable standards... lol. Again this leads female celebrities to do all kinds of crazy shit to hang onto their youth for as long as possible with plastic surgery and whatever else (because it's their entire brand). Then they end up looking super odd. Ironically... we as a society are responsible for this, but no one will take responsibility, especially not the trolls that cause it to happen.


Get it?

Hilarious amirite?
Add it to the pile.


This is another good incel one that constantly infers that women are ridiculously vapid creatures and only care about material possessions. Remember the egg shortage? Nice repurposing of an old meme that apparently will never die. Classic Misogyny!


This one is of particular interest.

Apparently it is SO COMMON for rich and famous men to dump their wives for the younger hotter version that when it doesn't happen everyone loses their mind. How fucked up is that? lol. Wow. Just wow.


Remember this one?

Yeah I didn't really look into it much. Some married female cop was sleeping around and everyone on Twitter was losing their shit for some reason. Strange dynamics.


Yeah bro she's so ugly that even God is offended by intercourse.

Seriously the shit that comes out of people's mouths is too much.


Nothing to see here.

Just a casual joke about domestic abuse and women deserving the fully illegal punishment they receive. It's kind of mind blowing because we as a society have already decided that this stuff is wrong, but you'll constantly see videos on social media like, "Did this person deserve it?" lol stfu pleb. I'm over it!


More current events!

Remember the Chinese spy balloon?
Yeah ya do!
Women aren't allowed to be fat!
Ew gross!


I must have seen this one like a dozen times in the last six months.

GET IT? Because the size of their... never mind.

This one ticks all the boxes for a lot of folks because the hate for Hillary Clinton is a thing of legend, plus you get to hate on women, judge them, make a backhanded sexual innuendo, and do it all from the shadows of the interwebs. What's not to love?


Yeah girls are too dumb to be professional traders.
Show us your titties! Dummy!
lol lol roflcopter!



Circling back to the incel memes:

This idea that men are going to get sex because they didn't get vaccinated circulated far and wide. Very popular with the Bitcoiners over there. Again: pure delusion.


I've already forgotten who the bottom two are.

Or maybe I never knew and I just saved the meme because I knew it was shitty. Probably that.


More of the same shit

Good stuff.


Oh right!

Have you guys seen this new trend? Drawing the solid line for "alpha" and dotted lines for "beta" behavior (like leaning in for a picture). Then it seemed to evolve into this other weird ass shit where if the girl in the photo faces out she's slutty trash. Seriously mind boggling stuff. Delusion to the max.


Because men are never ridiculous I tell ya!


Remember when Elon Musk bought Twitter and AOC was losing her shit about paid service and being throttled by the platform? Yeah that was a fun time. She's gonna suck the D for that blue check haha so funny right now.


Alright we got through them all and I've been drained of my energy.

It's tiresome, calling out so much bullshit. Which is probably why I've been putting off writing this for so long. But now it's over and I can finally get those pics out of my main folder. The perfect end to my cleaning day.

What about Hive?

Surely we see this type of stuff on Hive once and a while as well, but I feel like it's actually a much better environment around here for whatever reason. Correct me if I'm wrong but Hive just in general feels like a more accepting platform in a lot of instances. We don't want to be pushing women off the platform or shaming them or whatever else. That's counterproductive behavior for sure.

It would also make sense that Hive would continue on with improving these societal norms that tend to push women out of science and technology (or simply generic othering and tribalism). After all, it's difficult to accomplish such a thing even if that was our goal given a truly decentralized platform.

Think about it: does a woman on Hive need to apply for a promotion? No... there is no pyramidical organization. There is no glass ceiling on Hive. Anyone can excel and be "promoted" without permission, and that's powerful in the long term. In fact I don't think even we as a community fully understand just how powerful it is yet. I expect unforeseen events to occur that make these points more obvious going forward.



The toxic patriarchy is still very much in charge, and it shows. However, the left-wing backlash and the cancel-culture that came with it isn't exactly a solution either. Hive is the solution. Crypto is the solution. Decentralization is the solution. Permissionless systems are a requirement to ensure that unfair nepotism and tribalism are not allowed to run rampant despite the talents of our users.

Of course many of my readers very much do lean right and/or libertarian, so hopefully this post is not too triggering for those individuals. Ah who am I kidding you just laughed at the memes and ignored the message. Everybody wins! Win win win.


@edicted It is unfortunate that it happens, women in my country Venezuela are always told that we should not attack them even with a rose, we must always give them love and if mistreatment of women occurs at work, it is very unpleasant, that is why I share with you that women deserve a lot of respect.


Hive welcome in everyone and I find that beautiful. It is crazy out there seeing how being a woman makes you feel like you are incompetent and need to rely on a man because he has it all. Smh


I firmly believe that women will continue to have the place of honor that, since my conception, they have always had. The spaces they have recovered today and will continue to recover cannot be compared to those of other times.

I am convinced that it will be the women themselves who will undertake their own particular crusades so that their very just struggles continue to be vindicated.

Thank you for sharing your concerns dear @edicted!


Some awesome ones and I’m glad that I’ve had one or two of those in my phone as well lol. People are crazy that’s for sure.


TBF the Jacinda Ardern memes were more about her being a whore for perverse ideological powers behind the scenes than her being 42 (not 60+).. Similar to how Obama and others aged pretty rapidly due to * cough * 'conflicts of interest' playing on their sub conscious.

Many in society absolutely do hold abusive judgements against women (and men too - and other sub groups of people) and collectively we have a very long way to go to heal the damage that judgements against the feminine have caused since the beginning of thought/time/people. All that being said, I'm not sure I understood your logic in some of the memes - or maybe I didn't understand the memes too...

The egg one in particular stood out to me since I would never have interpreted it as being misogynistic or based on the idea that women are vapid/materialistic - to me it's just a way of ridiculously exaggerating the importance of the egg supply issue and of eggs themselves. Of course, being vegan means that to me, the definition of animals and eggs being products instead of living beings kind of means that all non vegans are kind of vapid and materialistic, but I do know some female vegans so that stops the meme being interpreted from that angle... lol.

I personally understand that all humans have a mixture of male and female energy in them (yang/yin) so I view male/female differently to most people. Having worked in tech my whole life, I fully understand that tech requires a lot of male energy (probably an imbalance towards male) and that's part of why there are mostly men in the industry - though I am aware that women have a hard time getting in, my Mum was one of the first computer programmers in the 1960s and explained how it was back then... She thrived because she was way smarter than the men in her company. Anyway, after all this time I have realised that tech basically destroys the presence of female energy in many cases (both in men and women) - so tbh I think it's best that humans move away from tech as much as possible in order to come into balance. I could go on, but that would mean more tech time. lol


The egg one in particular stood out to me since I would never have interpreted it as being misogynistic or based on the idea that women are vapid/materialistic

Ah well when you see the dozen other variations of that meme you'll see what I was getting at.


lol check that out one Google search later and I easily find a meme about the meme in the exact spirit of the thing I was talking about. too easy.


I dunno, I feel like you misunderstood things on so many levels and I hesitate to mansplain humour to you but...

A joke about a woman being beaten is specifically a joke because we know it's inherently wrong to do, and its playing on our moral compasses to feel a little shocked and uncomfortable, while also addressing an otherwise hard to talk about subject. Nobody is sharing that meme to cheer on and encourage more beatings.

That's the entire point of comedy and has been since time began (think court jesters). In the same way, we watch horror movies because they're not real. We acknowledge that murderers and insane cults exist, and we are reminded of them through a particular art form, and enjoy it nonetheless.

The post implies that women are the butt of jokes more than men. But that just isn't the case, they're just different subject matters. Men are memed to hell for being, well, incels. Also rednecks, pedophiles, small dicks, dumb, brain in their penis, sexists, porn addicts, weebs, effeminate, manboobs, crypto bros, mansplainers... the list goes on almost infinitely, none of them in a flattering light.

It's a fair balance, it's fine. It's comedy.

Finally, you straight up just misunderstand certain memes entirely such as the Madonna one. Nobody is complaining she's not hot. Everybody is stating their opinions about what it means to age with dignity. She is a symptom of glamourous celebrity life, seemingly desperate to be young forever. People don't want her hotter, they want her to give up on it and look healthy. Thus memes are born from this idea. And let's be honest, saying she'd addicted to cosmetic surgery is an understatement and something we should mock, rather than glorify and 'empower'


The main topic of this post is sexism within science and tech combined with the unrelenting toxic masculinity that runs rampant and is even rejoiced throughout society. The fact that you haven't addressed any of this in your wall of text just proves my point more and honestly makes it hard to take any of your points seriously.

You are nitpicking on the fringe and trying to argue semantics rather than engaging with the actual topic. It's not a good look, and yet it was also 100% expected that at least one person would employ this strategy. I could concede every point you've made and still be overwhelmingly on the correct side of this discussion.


I'm am nitpicking things that are nitpicky in order to bolster your point. I don't even necessarily disagree that women have a harder time in certain, if not most, fields of work, a man's world etc. That's why I didn't argue it. My problem was the use of humour, which, though you consider nitpicky, takes up the vast majority of your post, filled with memes and sarcastic commentary on each.

I just think the approach was disingenuous.


Most online spaces are trash fires of racism, sexism, and hate. We're smaller, and the bar to entry is higher, so we by nature end up trimming a lot of that off the chain. It's not entirely absent, but it's sure a hell of a lot better than any other social out there.


How dare they assume gender!!!! 🤪😂😂😂😂



And I’m the Egg Man 🙌

(Actually My Fridge)
