Ghost Guns



As someone that self-identifies as extremely left-wing radical, it was always strange to me back in the day that I got along with libertarians so well, as that political platform clearly leans to the right. Turns out, libertarianism is totally separate from left vs right politics. I didn't fully realize that till I saw one of these Nolan charts.


That's when I realized... oh shit... not only am I extremely left-wing, but I'm also extremely libertarian. We are a rare breed, so most libertarians have to congregate more toward the center when it comes to left vs right issues.

Children's Table of Politics

The thing about left vs right issues... is that they actually don't really fucking matter at all and are often times used on purpose to divide the people and get them attacking each other. Weak factions are easily conquered, and both sides have been serving central banks and imperialism (authoritarianism) faithfully for generations. In my opinion, with the advent of crypto and limitless potential, those days are about to come to an end.


The core libertarian argument is quite simple:

If your governance structures were any good you wouldn't have to force people to agree with them. People would follow the rules voluntarily (voluntarism), because the rules made sense and they were beneficial and synergistic in nature for all parties involved. Instead we are born into authoritarian rule by force and punishment. Grandfathered in by force and beaten into submission (be it physical violence, the public school system, and whatever else).

Authoritarianism and imperialism certainly have their place in the world. It's quite obvious that this rule-by-force and negative reinforcement tactic have been the ultimate way to scale up society up until now. It's harder to get millions/billions of people on the same page when they have a lot of options. By limiting those options and forcing people to act a certain way, we have accomplished great and terrible things.

But we are at an impasse.

Negative reinforcement only scales so far before the children rebel. Corporations only get so big before they hit major diminishing returns. Governments can only do so much to control their populations.


Getting to the point:


I saw this today and was very annoyed.

What is a "red flag" law?

Finally, he asked the DOJ to publish model "red flag" laws for states to use as guides. Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement agencies to petition state courts to temporarily block people from obtaining firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others. Biden said states with such red flag laws have seen a reduction in the number of suicides.

If I'm being honest, this sounds fine.

It's not like I'm 100% against gun control. As someone who doesn't even own a gun, what do I care (on a personal level)? On the other side of the coin, the second amendment is second for a reason. It's a pretty important one, and citizens find themselves incredibly outgunned by their own governments these days, in far more ways than just conventional weaponry (Big Tech surveillance state).

To quote myself:

No one goes on a shooting spree simply because they have access to a gun. To simplify the problem down a solution of, "Oh, wow! He should have never been able to gain access to a gun in the first place!" is insanely reductive and nonsensical. The concept that we should take away rights from 99.99% of people on the off chance that 0.001% of those people abuse their rights is a clear precursor to totalitarianism.


So many "red flags"

If I'm being honest, none of this comes as a surprise. It was only a matter of time before the authoritarian left came along and started imposing their will on the population for the "greater good". In fact, I'm floored it took this long.

I may not be a gun nut, but my younger brother is. And years ago he talked all about these "ghost guns" you could build. If you install a receiver yourself...

In firearms terminology, the firearm frame or receiver is the part of a firearm which integrates other components by providing housing for internal action components such as the hammer, bolt or breechblock, firing pin and extractor, and has threaded interfaces for externally attaching ("receiving") components such as ...


Essentially my limited understanding, from what he told me, is that if you build a gun yourself you can basically own an unregistered AR-15 assault rifle LEGALLY. This blew my mind when I heard it, almost to the point of being unbelievable. These executive actions being thrown out by the president obviously intend to make this loophole illegal.


If guns are outlawed. Only outlaws will have guns.

This is not sentiment that I necessarily agree with, but it has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Irregardless of any of that, it is clearly inappropriate for Biden to be signing executive orders that could clearly be in direct conflict with an AMENDMENT of the CONSTITUTION.

These laws have been around for decades, and only now does the authoritarian-left decide to get up off their ass and do something about it? Sidestepping the entire legal process due to this perceived "emergency"? It sets the worst example ever: one that allows them to overturn whatever law they want because "emergency".



Also, where are the statistics on this?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but unregistered AR-15s that people built in their own garages aren't even the ones mowing people down in the streets. It's not hard to get a weapon if you have a motivation to do so, no matter how illegal something is, there will always be a market. If supply is low, price will simply be higher. These solutions are not solutions at all.

Experts say that these homemade guns are increasingly being used in crimes. Over 40% of guns being seized in Los Angeles are ghost guns, according to federal firearms officials.

And it's really stats like this that bring up more questions. Do I trust this? How much research do I actually have to do before I wade through all the bullshit propaganda and obvious one-sided arguments (from both sides).

The real solution is to figure out why so many people in America are snapping and going full psycho on everyone. This is not a possession of weapons issue, this is a mental health issue. The world is so broken that more and more people are completely breaking down mentally and going on these rampages. How about we try to fix the actual issue rather than band-aid the problem and treat all citizens like toddlers?

Is it because politicians don't actually give a shit? Is it because they have ulterior motives and work for the elite rather than the people that elect them? It is because they WANT people to be subservient, defenseless, rule-following, scared little sheep that will constantly give up their freedoms for "security"? Yes, yes it is. Keep giving them everything, just like you would pay any other mobster protection money, see what happens. Give a mouse a cookie, now they want a glass of milk. The end result is always the same: moar moar moar.


Concealed carry laws.

There's also quite a bit of evidence to suggest that when people can get a license to carry a concealed weapon crime actually goes down. Not sure if that's propaganda for the right-wing side of the argument but I also don't really care. I'm tired of asking for permission to exist. Nothing makes sense anymore, and the nonsensicalness of this reality is going to increase exponentially over the coming decades.

3-D Printing

Decentralized manufacturing and 3-D printing go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other: this much is certain. The path forward is clear. We have to take the good with the bad. That means a lot of people out there are going to have the ability to beep boop beep open-source code out comes an assault rifle. Wow, crazy. This is the world we live in.

Tech is out of control.

I've heard reports that the CIA can hook a machine up to your brain and read your thoughts. 10 years ago monkeys were already moving mechanical arms. Who knows how much progress they've made with nano tech. This shit isn't science fiction anymore. If we can't defend ourselves, we are the product. We are being mass produced and enslaved, and the imperialists are going to try and keep it that way. That's the entire point of the game. You're either a slavemaster or a slave. Meanwhile they got everyone sitting at the children's table bitching about pronouns, Cardi B, Lil Nas X.


Who... fucking... cares...

Anarchist's Cookbook 2.0

Crypto is, almost by definition, the ultimate form of rebellion. The FBI purposefully distributed copies of the Anarchist Cookbook that would blow up enthusiasts that tried to create pipe bombs. That can't even happen on blockchain because the information would be verified a thousand times over by trusted sources via unhackable signatures.

Myth Busters canceled an episode after testing a myth about making a homemade bomb. The bomb was so powerful apparently they didn't air the episode or talk about it. Good job guys, Obama is proud.

Although I didn't get to blow anything up...

hmmmmmm.... ! I wonder why he mentioned blowing things up.

This is all a matter of psychology.

Anyone can look up how to make homemade bombs.
It's not hard.

All of a sudden Mythbusters does it and a bunch of morons go out and try it themselves. Authority matters. Trust matters. That's why they canceled the show. I don't agree but I understand perfectly.

Why am I suddenly reminded of Fight Club?

Oh I'm sorry...

Did you need something more real than a fictional movie?

Obviously if you actually wanted to find more destructive tutorials you'd have to do a bit more digging, which I do not... I'm probably on enough red flag watchlists as is.

The point here is that again, this is a psychology issue. If someone wants to kill a lot of people, this isn't a difficult task. They don't need a gun. They can use bombs, poison, or whatever else. Weapons are everywhere. They can't be censored, and taking them away is a huge 2nd-amendment warning.

That being said libertarians are all about voluntarism, so if you want to join a community where all weapons are banned, we have no problem with that... just stop trying to force everyone else to obey rules they didn't agree to. It's not hard. The Federal government doesn't need to be issuing executive orders for stuff like this, and I think it's pretty clear where this is headed. Both Biden and Kamala are known strong-supporters of the police-state.


When we take another look at the Nolan chart, we see that left vs right is often an issue of personal freedom vs economic freedom. In some ways that makes sense and others it doesn't. How is taking away my right to own a gun increasing my personal freedom?

In any case, we might consider universal healthcare a personal freedom. Everyone has the right to healthcare. We might even make an argument for programs that try to close the disparity gap between minorities and such like Affirmative Action. Trying to increase equality between individuals theoretically increases "personal freedom" as a whole. I'm more of a meritocracy guy myself but what are ya gonna do.

On the republican side of the equation we see this "economic freedom" jargon. Meaning less regulation. Less taxes. Trickle-down economics and other failed experiments.


TAXES unnecessary (tax brackets)

For generations this is what it's all come down to. How are we going to pay for that? How are we going to pay for universal healthcare? Free college? Better job placement? Food stamps? Roads? Infrastructure? Etc Etc Etc. The prevailing argument is always: we need to tax the rich more to pay for this stuff.

But none of that makes sense anymore. The FED has already tipped their hand ten times over. We need to pay for shit? Just print the money and pay for it. It's not hard. Why are we bending over backwards with a million tax laws that are all outdated?

When we look at these tax brackets, it looks fair on paper: people with more money get taxed more. That's not how reality works. The richest people pay no taxes. The entire point of taxes is so people can loophole out of them, otherwise we'd just print more money to pay for everything and we'd be fine. We don't need taxes to pay for any of this stuff.

And now we have crypto, where these online borderless permissionless governments are just popping up left and right, and they can make whatever rules they want and they can pay for whatever they want. The days of authoritarianism are done. It's voluntarism from here on out. Forcing people into laws they don't want is a thing of the past. Find a community that suits you and go all in.


"Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, and it's an international embarrassment," Biden said on Thursday.

He's not wrong... too bad the problem is only going to get worse. These "solutions" are a sham. If we actually want to solve these problems we need to be building healthy environments and strong support networks, not forcing people to obey laws that they don't consent to. In what reality does forcing people to behave a certain way end with rainbows and sunshine? They already think the election was stolen... lol... Wake up.

What's next?

Ya gonna ban soap when the crazies start blowing people up?
Good luck.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The genie’s already out of the bottle. Any Joe Blow can 3D print a lower receiver. No need to print the other parts, they’re all easily available. This is all Kabuki theater.

Meh. Homemade napalm made with gasoline is so old school. Kerosene’s the way to go.


freenet has a treasure of guide in all this... and funnier, that the napalm recipe that I looked at ... indeed very easy to do at home !


You're conclusion I would add Australia. There is a direct link between increased guns and high crime rate. America is cooked with the amount of shootings. Some of the points you've raised are propaganda that's been pushed by gun lobbiests whom are the gun manufacturers.

News flash, division and strong political campaigning has been used in this space to increase sales of guns. Run the data, every time gun control discussions occur gun sales and ammunition sky rocket. In turn creating big profits for the companies who then in turn give that cash to..... legislators.

Crime does not go down when more guns are present, crime goes down when the only person carrying a gun is law enforcement (noting law enforcement in America is pretty shit)

I can however understand why Americans want to keep guns or are scared to get rid of them. More Americans die a year to police are huge. You have a 1 in 2000 odd of being shot by a police officer in the US (F,Edwards H, Lee M, Esposito, Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States, 2019)

Mate, with those odds I wouldn't be calling for the right to maintain guns, I'd be calling for the government to provide me with heavy artillery power to fight my odds, I'd need laser detection systems and shit)

Police need to clean up their act before any form of action can be taken.

I was Sooooooo hoping the national guard was going to fuck up the cops. Seen it coming a mile away. Them bad boys are to preserve life. The few that did the police bidding would have been court marshalled.

I was wrapped when the US Defence dropped that letter on Trump telling him to pull his head in.

Although not Trumps fault it is a systematic cultural problem developed over centuries.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


you are full of shit my friend

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Prove me wrong, we have 0 massacres at the hands of guns. Prove how banning guns means only criminals get it. Prove me wrong crime rate goes up when guns are gone.

There is no place in Australia that is off limits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


as long as pedos rule america...


Just want to point this: the reason taxes still need to exist in a money printing scenario is that taxes are like heat sinksand absorb inflation. Taxes are not viewed as rasing funds but burning funds.
Taxes basically turn to a tool of controlling who gets what money while printing is the tool of where to send money.


almost, it's to know who earn fed fiat flow and how, aka who are those capturing fed fiat flow...


Mainstream economic theory is much closer to the monetarist position where public expenses are not to be covered with printed money but collected taxes.

I think we may see modern monetary theory (print to pay for all government expenses, only use taxes as a mechanism to cool down an overheated economy) by default.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In what reality does forcing people to behave a certain way end with rainbows and sunshine?

remember for them, we are like the children of pedo island (epstein, bill clinton trump, desrshowitz, bill gates etc)

aka they believe that force and or training (social enginnering) permits them to achieve their deeds

then they met PLA :).

then for you to understand about collective means of production :

give me the gun

you say : no it's mine

communist say it's OURS

to whom does it belong?


I don't own a gun so most of what they say doesn't exactly apply to me. But there are so many contradictions with what Biden has said. I know friends who lived in the slum areas and some who lived in even worst areas in a different state. They risked buying a gun because it was too dangerous not to have one.

Is banning guns going to stop the people who got their lands on illegal guns from doing crime? No it won't. If they have a way to guarantee our safety and also remove these illegal guns, then I would not have as many issues outlawing guns. But I don't think its possible because of 3D printing (something you mention in this post). Also with the defunding of the police, people scrambled to buy guns and I do not believe we have enough security to even think of such actions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The real solution is to figure out why so many people in America are snapping and going full psycho on everyone. This is not a possession of weapons issue, this is a mental health issue. The world is so broken that more and more people are completely breaking down mentally and going on these rampages. How about we try to fix the actual issue rather than band-aid the problem and treat all citizens like toddlers?

There are a lot of firearms in Finland. That's because around 80% of all adult men are military reservists and many are members in reservists associations that practice shooting regularly. They don't have assault rifles at home like in Switzerland but other weapons, yes. Hunting is a very popular sport and absolutely necessary to keep the highways safe. About 40,000 moose are shot every year by hunters. Gun violence is very rare. Drunks kill each other with knives in private homes. The police shoot someone dead maybe once in a decade. The population is 5.6 million.

I think the US is still a bit of a Wild West. The conquest of the West is deeply entrenched in the national mythology of the United States. Tens of millions of poor people from the old world, including many of my relatives, emigrated to the US. The Canadian West and the American West were conquered in different ways. In Canada, the government would move in first and build large-scale infrastructure and bring civilization with it. The Klondike gold rush was maybe the only exception to this. In the US, people would go first and be forced to deal with the lawlessness without as much help from the government.

Many of the political beliefs held by a lot of Americans are residual effects of America still seeing itself as a frontier despite actual reality having been very different for over a century.

I don't think the second amendment is too relevant any longer. The idea that the government, particularly the federal government - the government of a global superpower, could be held in check by a few assault rifle owning clowns playing militia on weekends, is funny.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


As soon as I saw this news story the other day I jumped on Robin Hood and started looking at Ruger stock trying to figure out if I wanted to pick some up. I expect the firearms stocks are going to jump pretty high just for them considering this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



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The only thing that works effectively to stop a crazy with a gun is good people with guns.
Crazy starts shooting, and gets shot. It's happened enough times that it should be the go to story on the MSM, but it's not.

The thing about an AR-15 lower is that it doesn't take any of the force of the rifle.
The thing that gets the serial number stamped on it, does nothing but hold the trigger mechanisms and cartridge.
It doesn't have to be super strong to resist the burning of the powder. It just has to hold together.
Thus, it is an easy part to create for the average person.

The rest of the AR-15 can be ordered on-line and sent through the mail.

The political triangle is a better way to view actual political sides.

Further, we are only offered two fake sides by the MSM.
Do you want the left, where govern-cements own the corporations
or do you want the right, where the corporations own the govern-cements?
(hint, the corporations and govern-cements are run/owned by the same people)

The thing that probably had you thinking you were on the left is caring for the poor.
Unfortunately, the "right" has done more for the poor than the left ever has.
I would go so far as to say, everything the left has done for the poor is designed to keep them poor and create people who go on rampages with guns.

I mean, how could you go against something that is "obviously" there to help you?
(but in reality is keeping you down, keeping you trapped, and insists that other people help keep you down)
So, what do you do? Go crazy! Or you find out everything that was taught to you in govern-cement school was a lie.

We need to think outside of their box.
If we want to prevent homeless, what we need to do is build tiny apartments for EVERYONE.
And these need to be built by the community, for the community.
And yes, these will probably be concrete boxes (with heating embedded in the walls) that can be pressure washed clean with solid steel doors.
So, you find yourself homeless, you show up and are given a key to a room. (the only problem is how to claim vacated rooms)

This is a solution, but we never here about it. Whenever someone brings it up, "people" claim that it's inhumane. However, it would stop the runaway house prices and homeless in one go.
And it would cost less than one year of section 8's budget.


I heard Dave Chappelle say once that the Second Amendment is there just in case the first one doesn't work out. Which I thought was pretty funny and clever.

Governments are made of people, and people like control, whether over their own lives or by proxy.

The Anti-Federalists wanted inalienable rights enumerated (Bill of Rights) as a precondition to their signature on the Constitution of the United States because they knew when push came to shove governments would err on the side of control to ensure stability of the state and that means individual liberty would be sacrificed in that pursuit. Having those rights specifically protected in writing helped ensure individual liberty's survival through time.

All 10 amendments to the US Constitution are extremely important. And all should be protected to ensure the liberty of the individual is the backbone of the American way of life.

What is the correct regulation to ensure liberty and stability? That needle constantly moves, and I don't have a clear answer to that.

Love the post @edicted.


I can't wait for the gun buy backs to start so we can print guns to sell to the government. They get guns, we get money which we can turn into crypto. Win-win!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


lol you're nuts...
I can see it now

Weapons Arbitrage.


Australia's held up as the example of effective gun control; but you don't hear about our crazies chaining up and burning down nursing homes or that backpacker hostel.
Not gun deaths, so they don't count.


Australia has held up on being the example of effective gun control. You are absolutely right. But, now everyone is starting to see how it was a terrible idea. Granted, I know your comment was 6 months ago and today we are looking at everything in hindsight. I just think there was a group of people that said that "Gun Control" is a bad idea... lone behold the totalitarian regime is now exercising the rights handed to them by the people.

Its a shame if you ask me.
