Decentralization was impossible to envision before it existed.



Good sir, I will meet you in the square at mid-day!

Before clocks were invented people could not fathom the passage of time in terms of seconds, minutes, and hours. Sun goes up; sun goes down.

  • Morning
  • Noon
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
  • Sunset
  • Night

This is how people used to measure time:

In huge blocks that anyone could tell just by looking up at the sky. Again, the concept of a second or a minute wasn't something people could even wrap their brain around. It simply did not exist, until it did. Poof: magic.

time clock work ethic.jpg

There have been many technologies like this throughout history.

Ones that were so revolutionary and so clutch that they changed the world and nobody ever saw them coming. The Internet is a big one. Who would of ever guessed that such a global network would have revolutionized the entire world like it did? No one did.

This is why I look to Science Fiction.

Sci-fi is often way ahead of its time, and the authors of the past have made some scarily accurate predictions. However, there is always that one thing that they get totally wrong, and crypto itself is one of those flies-in-the-ointment, so to speak.


No one in a million years could have imagined crypto and what it was capable of, just like no one in a million years predicted we'd order takeout with a magic hand-held computer with GPS connected to a global network. When we look at old Sci-fi books, we can see that everyone knew the problem, but know one could imagine the solution.


We can see the proof of this throughout all the dystopic novels and movies of the past:

  • 1984
  • Brave New World
  • Ready Player One
  • Animal Farm
  • Hunger Games
  • Star Wars
  • Aliens
  • Neuromancer
  • Snowcrash
  • Fahrenheit 451



The one prevailing theme throughout every single dystopic story is quite simple: CENTRALIZATION. One fully corrupted governing body in charge. Be it an Emperor, and Empire, an Oligarchy, or quite literally "The Company", the problem with the world has always been centralization, and we've known this for hundreds of years and the writers and content creators of the past knew it as well and portrayed that horrific projected reality onto the future.

But they sure as shit didn't see Bitcoin coming.

No, no they did not. And people STILL don't see it coming, even a decade after inception. It's pretty wild how no one can see this upset coming. Balance is being brought to The Force. The Empire will fall. It's only a matter of time now.

No one could have ever imagined anything other than the singular monolithic powers that be that were eventually doomed to collapse into themselves via corruption, only to be reborn again and collapse again in this vicious cycle we call human history. This is all we've ever known, and the cycle is about to be broken. Doesn't even matter if it takes 100 years. That's nothing in the grand scheme of things, as disappointing as that would be for those of us who are alive today.

Even though crypto has been around for over a decade we can see that content creators still haven't wised up to where this is going. Communities are going to be more powerful than corporations, banks, and even governments. Communities will be corporations. They will be the banks. They will be the government. Not only that, they will scale bigger, stronger, faster, and more efficiently than ever before.


The tipping point is coming.

And the powers that be have little reason to resist this change. Sure, they will at first, but as time grinds forward, why wouldn't you sacrifice just a little bit more of your power for a 10x gain in wealth? More and more millionaires/billionaires are going to take this trade and jump onto the correct side of history. It won't be possible for the dinosaurs that get left behind to fight it, which is fine because they'll be taken care of as well. The future isn't about revenge, it's about prosperity and moving forward.

Humanity has sacrificed a lot to get where it is today. We've done a lot of unsavory unforgivable things. The times of change are upon us, and it will be impossible to justify the old ways going forward.


Hm, yes, that's all very vague.

It's still very hard to say exactly how everything is going to turn out. Chaos Theory makes it quite difficult to guess with this many variables at play. We've been brainwashed (likely down to our very genetic code) to accept centralization and imperialism as the normal. Someone has to be in charge, right?


So while I don't know how it's gonna turn out, I do know that everyone could see what the problem was, and I can also see that the solution has been invented, just not fully implemented. It's just a matter of waiting and seeing how it all plays out.

Already we see cities adopting crypto, just like I said would happen. If I'm being honest, things are moving faster than I thought they would. And if I'm being honest again, we still haven't reached the tipping point. Things are going to get exponentially out of control very quickly, especially if a global financial crisis rocks the economy and everyone is looking for a solution. For the first time ever humanity has the solution at their fingertips. All that's needed now is to employ it.


What I do know.

The key to humanity: fundamentally is communication... which is ironic because people like me are notoriously bad at communicating. The introverts and scientists of the world are being forced to build the thing that relies on quite possibly their worst attribute. Pretty funny when we see this play out in real time. There are examples of this littered throughout Hive's sorted history. Devs do not often play well with others.

The Crux of crypto is jobs.

Right now everything is speculation. Should I buy this or that token? The future is obviously not headed in this direction permanently. The average person doesn't even have any money to invest, and this fact is not going to get any better over the next decade; it's quite obviously going to get worse.

Therefore we must pay users directly for services rendered. How many networks are actually doing this? Hive is BARELY doing it. Barely, and we are still way ahead of the curve. Crypto is still in the early infant stage. Patience, young Padawan.

However, once people are getting paid in crypto and can exit the legacy system, well, that's when the legacy system really starts feeling the sting of obsolescence. Corporations are going to have an even harder time getting employees. Governments will try to ban crypto, claiming it's ruining the economy when it is in fact taking over the economy, and rightly so.

Crypto can not be banned, because crypto is bigger than everything; a superior technology that came around right when we needed it the most. Governments will try to ban it, but they won't be able to. Why? Because crypto will infiltrate the government. It will infiltrate the banks and the corporations as well. In fact, to a large extent this has already happened. We've really already won.


It's a good thing that Bitcoin is so basic, because its basic unchanging nature is its strength. We can depend on it to remain constant. We don't have to worry about where inflation is going because there isn't any (most coins have already been minted).

But most importantly, once Bitcoin helps us kill the legacy economy, we don't have to worry about it taking over like all the maximalists think is going to happen. After the legacy economy is gone, Bitcoin becomes irrelevant, and it will die, right when we need it to die, before it takes over everything. That is what's great about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin breaks the cycle.

It's the thing that kills the old system, ushers in the new system, and then dies gracefully, allowing thousands of other superior technologies to flourish without fear of being attacked by the legacy system which is no longer in power. A maximalist will read these words and think I'm delusional. Meanwhile, maximalists don't seem to understand that centralizing the world around one token and calling that decentralization is in fact delusional. Provably so; there is no argument in the matter.



It's a done deal. Decentralization wins. There is no other option going forward, short of complete and utter annihilation. Either everyone wins, or no one wins. It's as simple as that. Mutually assured destruction. The scorpion and the frog.

All of the great minds of the past could clearly see and extrapolate the problem to amazing effect, but none of them could even come close to imagining the solution or how that solution would play out.

We are living in quite possibly the most important time in human history ever, and very few people seem to actually realize or recognize it. The time-loop of centralization, imperialism, corruption, and destruction is coming to an end, and all I'm hearing is: "Wen number go up?"


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Decentralisation has been around for centuries, it's a core theme in Union movements and socialism. Decentralise the wealth.

Just now there is a global tech movement to support it that brings everyone together and able to consolidate their wealth.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Decentralisation has been around for centuries, it's a core theme in Union movements and socialism. Decentralise the wealth.

By centralizing the power.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Socialism brings misery and death through centralization. Stalin, Mussolini, Chavez, Castro...they are the exact opposite of decentralized freedom.


Just like capitalism there are different levels of socialism. Current modern day free market is extremely centralised but it appears to be starting to be disrupted.


Crony "capitalism" deserves to be disrupted, indeed! Big pharma, big finance, etc are only prosperous because of favoritism from a corrupt government. Small businesses are the best way to stay free, and crypto helps the smallest business of all--the individual. Governments are the enemy of freedom, so they destroy small businesses and will try to stop de-fi. Socialism's biggest problem is that it does not value individuals--only clumps of them, like herds of cattle. Americans tried socialism in the early colonial days (Jamestown, Plymouth) and quickly turned to private property instead because they didn't want everyone to starve. Now that sick old man in the White House (puppet of Obama and the Chinese Communists) wants us all to starve and freeze again this winter. Bad ideas never go away, I'm afraid. Defy them with de-fi. !BEER


How do we know with absolute certainty that these leaders of the past were in fact evil?

At least now, with decentralization / immutability, we'll be able to trust history books (ie: Hive blog posts).


Primary sources are the only way to really know your history--contemporaneous writings, journals, testimony, eyewitnesses. Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot definitely killed real people with starvation. People really survived Russian gulags and German camps.


sounds good, but I don't think everything is coming to an end, the influence of the most powerful will always be seen and will exist


Sci-fi is often way ahead of its time, and the authors of the past have made some scarily accurate predictions.

I would say that they are not predictions as much as they provide the road map for our future. They instill the ideas that excite people and get them working in that direction.

A self fulfilling prophecy if you will.

As for the article, yes it is happening quicker than most of us envisioned. We are living through exponential conversion, happening right before our eyes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Very interesting perspective and I had never really thought of it as simply as "Centralization", but it seems to me that what the founders of the USA were trying to fight as well. It's clearly a losing battle people will have to fight again and again and again. Great post.

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Freedom is always just one generation away from being lost. The fight against centralized power must be waged daily. I know I will never surrender to central powers.


Very interesting. It was like reading about past self. It took me some time to "realize and recognize it". If I could do it others will too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We should see more people being paid for their social activity soon enough but HIVE is definitely a good first step. Just treat it as a side gig for now and start investing for the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're spot on about jobs being the way to go in the blockchain. If the blockchain provides me a lot more value and ease than the legacy system, then I simply have no business doing dealings with an inferior traditional system


The crypto world still has some centralised choke points in the form of exchanges. We will only be able to declare decentralization the winner when people stop using Binance and co and start using the DEXs.


This is very interesting. We will all win in the end


But most importantly, once Bitcoin helps us kill the legacy economy, we don't have to worry about it taking over like all the maximalists think is going to happen. After the legacy economy is gone, Bitcoin becomes irrelevant, and it will die, right when we need it to die, before it takes over everything. That is what's great about Bitcoin.

This is what I envision, too. Bitcoin cannot not die when it's done its job. Subsume all value like some delusional maxis say? Get out of here. As if all humanity would ever do is mine one scarce token. The maxi mindset is centered around scarcity. That belongs in the past.


This takes Satoshi's Bitcoin whitepaper to a whole new level.


We should expect BTC to continue uptrend after the correction,BTC is going to form market structure, that will help it to have strong support that will help BTC to break the current high.

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