RE: Why I Am Optimistic About Hive


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I did not upvote your post because I have noticed that the value goes down for some reason. If you know why that is please explain or direct me to a post explaining why post value goes down when I upvote. However it has been my experience that every time a new blog that pays out in some fashion : the mood is upbeat. Having been involved in many blogs that pay out, I have also the experience of discovering that at some point outside influences adversely affect the system or as is the case on steemit inside influences. It is for this reason that I no longer seek to make anything. My purpose is to share my experiences in life with others and learn from their input.

On Your Post.

I too have seen great strides in development of necessary tools for online decentralization. Security features that insure our privacy have developed to a degree that I never thought would be possible. Blockchain gaming seems to be in full swing and I expect many improvements to scalability as a result. I agree with the tone and direction of your post and only have the above stated reservations.
