What do you think about publishing imToken?


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Yesterday there were two hot spots in the circle: one was the decentralized exchange under imtoken wallet issued coins and started mining activities; the other was theft of the Kucoin exchange.

Uniswap's currency issuance is considered the king of DeFi projects this year. It basically indicates that all DeFi projects will have to issue coins, especially those that have a large impact and spread among users, otherwise they are likely to be issued by others. The currency project is issued to suppress people and grab traffic.

As the digital currency wallet imtoken with the largest number of users in the world, the issuance of coins this time is different from other projects. It is not issuing coins by itself, but issuing coins with the decentralized exchange Tokenlon invested by itself. Its token is LON.

Tokenlon issuance is different from Uniswap. It does not conduct airdrops to all participants like Uniswap, but instead encourages users to trade and mine on the Tokenlon exchange, that is, to obtain tokens through trading or mining.

So is the method of obtaining tokens in this way worthwhile for our ordinary retail investors to participate? I think the value of participation is not great.

First of all, when Uniswap has issued coins and its issuing method has given everyone a happy ending, users will inevitably compare the issuing methods of other projects with Uniswap in their hearts when judging other projects to issue coins. If other projects cannot bring users a stronger sense of freshness and excitement, then it will inevitably lag behind in terms of momentum and influence.

If a project lags behind in momentum and influence, its cohesion in popularity will be affected, and the price of tokens will lack community support and internal growth momentum.

The biggest hot spot of Uniswap's issuance is to give all participants red envelopes. This condenses the community to the greatest extent and gives back to the community. In my opinion, it is currently the most commendable practice.

With this case, if the follow-up project is not working hard in this direction, not only will it not have the incentive effect of the currency, but it may even give the community a negative impression of the project.

Secondly, the method of obtaining token incentives through transaction mining has been proved by a large number of projects. Under the current situation of high Ethereum handling fees, it is not very friendly to retail investors with small capital, because the transaction cost is too high and the benefits can be obtained. I'm afraid it's not enough to pay the handling fee. Only large capital participation can offset the erosion of profits caused by high handling fees.

So on the whole, Tokenlon's entire issuance plan is not very attractive to me at least.

If you want to participate, you can play appropriately, but there is no need to invest too much energy, time and cost.

The security of the exchange has always been an eternal topic in the circle. Theft of exchanges occurs almost every once in a while. Once an exchange is stolen, the first problem faced is compensation. In this regard, large exchanges have unique advantages. They have strong funds to settle claims, while small and medium-sized exchanges will be forced to run away without the strength to settle claims.

Although there is a certain gap in the strength of Kucoin compared with the three major exchanges this time, it still has a certain foundation. In addition, Kucoin communicated with several other major exchanges at the first moment of the incident, and frozen some of the tokens stolen by hackers. Therefore, the stolen incident is estimated to have little impact on users, but it also reminds us that ordinary traders should pay attention to the safety of their assets.

I still want to remind everyone again: if you buy coins on a centralized exchange, try to mention your wallet and don't put it on the exchange. The premise is that you need to be proficient in using a decentralized wallet, which is also a digital currency investor Essential basic skills.

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