Unii.finance launches UNI fork coin "UNII", users who have been airdropped by Uniswap can get 400 UNII again

from combining the advantages of multiple projects to new "forks" projects, to sharing "brother" tokens in the name of consensus and governance, the crypto community has the liquidity of this round The mining boom has pushed the "fork movement" to the extreme.

Following the launch of a series of YFI fork coins such as YFII, YFV, YFC, and YFIG, UNII fork coins have recently appeared on the market. On September 21, the Unii.finance (UNII) team released a governance alliance initiative in the media, saying that Uniswap's "initial governance rules" (UNI token) were a high threshold for independent retail investors, "to ensure (official) Hearing voices us (at least meet the minimum proposal requirements) and prioritizing the interests of the community, we decided to form a UNII community ”.

According to Unii.finance, the team plans to form sub-communities to participate in UNI governance, provide community members with the opportunity to earn tokens, and promote the addition of UNII to other UNI fund pools (within 30 days).

Specifically, the number of UNII tokens is the same as UNI, which is a total of 1 billion tokens. The token distribution process is divided into two stages:

Stage one

1. Starting the governance alliance phase (starting at 9 on 22 September), the team will send 15% (150 million) of the total tokens to eligible users to apply for UNI. The amount of airdrop is also 400 tokens per address. This stage continues through the formation of a governance alliance;

2. The team places 30% of the tokens into the UNI / UNII pledge pool (98: 2 ratio), and the users get UNII tokens (300 million) by providing liquidity.

Second stage

At the governance alliance formation stage, 45% of UNII tokens (450 million) were invested in the UNI / UNII pledge pool, with a pledge ratio of 1: 1.

Finally, 5% of UNII tokens (50 million) are used to reward the initial token holders, and the remaining 5% UNII is reserved for project operations (locked for three years).


Mars Finance understands that users who are currently eligible to apply for UNII can participate in receiving tokens via the website http://unii.finance/#/countdown . The specific tutorials are as follows:

1. Go to http://unii.finance/#/countdownand choose to connect to the wallet


2. Choose a personal wallet (for example, choose MetaMask)


3. Select a connection account and click Next


4. Click the box at the bottom to accept UNII


In addition, current users can inquire about the status of the UNI-UNII fund pool on the Uniswap platform, and exchange UNIs through the platform and Mooniswap.


On the Mooniswap platform, users can exchange 1 UNI for 121.04 UNII, and at Uniswap, 1 UNI can exchange 398,182 UNII. Compared to the two, Mooniswap has insufficient depth and greater slippage.


At press time, according to non-small data, UNII is currently offering $ 0.011014.
